Chapter 1

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Here I am. Sitting on the concrete. In the middle of a dirty subway station.  It smells like pee and smoke.

I try not to cry as my head starts to tell me that this was a bad idea and that I just ruined my life.  I'm 18 and just graduated highschool 4 weeks ago. And here I am. In a New York subway station. By myself. 

Fresh off the subway with nothing but a dream and $232 in cash.  I can already feel the success.  I stand up and brush off my black skinny jeans and pull my heavy back pack on my back and take my suit case that's almost bursting open because of how much I tried to squeeze into it.  I take a deep breath and striaghten my posture and begin taking long confident strides towards the stairs. This is me New York, I hope you're ready, my name is A.J and I about to run thi-

"Umph!" I moan as I pick my self up from tripping over my untied boot.

"Whoa you okay there" I here a boyish voice say I am helped steady myself. I am sure my pale face is beat red.

"Yes I am fine." I chuckle looking down. "Ugh! Can I get a break." I look down at the inconvient rip that I now have in my nicest pair of black jeans.  I finally make eye contact witht the stranger who helped me.


"I'm sorry what?" The guy says with a bright smile.

Color rushes back to my cheeks as I realize that I just said that outloud.  This strangers eye were just 

I shake my head "Sorry your eyes" I try to make that look cute by adding a little smile but I proabaly look like a red jack-o-lantern.  

"Right thanks. My name is Lucky." he says reaching a hand out to shake mine. I do so and we lock eyes again.

We stare in to each others eyes for a moment before he pushes me against the tile wall, covering my body with his, before passionately pressing his plush lips against mine.

"Hellooo.." his voice pulls me from my day dream, causing me to blink a few times as he waves his hand in my face with a chuckle.

"So, are you going to tell me your name?" The bleach blonde haired boy says.

"Ah yes. I'm A.J." I tell him trying not to stare to long as we make breif eye contact again. We start to walk in the same direcetion towards the stairs.

"Does that stand for Apple Juice or something?"  He says obviously making a joke.

"Unfortunately no. Its short for Ally Jane or Allessandra Jane which ever it doesn't matter because I go by A.J." I stop walking because I don't know about this kid but I don't have a home yet and I'm not sure if I should keep walking.

"Oh do you need a taxi? I can hail yo-"

"No. No. I actually don't really know where I am going I just got here today and didn't really plan what I was going to do once I actually got here." After saying that out loud I realize how stupid I was to leave my family.

"Oh...Well..uhum." I can tell he is thinking how idiotic I am and possible excuses he can make to avoid having to help me.

"I have a studio apartment...if you want to crash with me. It really sma-"

"Oh my gosh no. I really can't ask something that huge." I say I feel like that would make me feel even more homeless, crashing at a radom person's apartment.

"No I'm serious. I remember my first day here, I was just like you and I really wish that someone had offered me to stay with them.  Believe me it's not nice out here at night." Lucky says with genuine concern in his icey eyes.

I stop to think for a moment. I look around. I sigh.  I close my eyes. "Thank you so much, you are a life saver." I tell Lucky as he smiles and tells me to follow him. 


Author's Note

Okay so that is the first chapter. I am going to get more in detail will A.J in the next chapters but that's all I have for now 

Thanks for reading

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