Vanilla : Chapter 72

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God, she looks beautiful. He thought to himself as he got out of the car. Sunny decided that they would have lunch together outside on the patio set, Aubrey hadn't ever been to Shacks but he knew it was a very popular bar so when she said to meet him there he was a little confused. He noticed the ring still on her finger making him cheese out, there was a bit of doubt in his mind that she would still want to be with him but when he saw the ring all the doubt went away. She looked up from her phone and smiled herself at the sight of him, who knew he could look so good in sweats and a t-shirt? She couldn't help but stare at the length of her body as she dress casually as well in a pair of jeans and a shirt of some band he didn't know. She didn't have on any make up and her hair wasn't as straight as it was last night but who cared. She still looked gorgeous. She stood up and smiled as she released her fingers that fidgeted together, she looked between the two huge security guards nervously as they stare down at her, it was a bit weird for Aubrey to not use chubbs and tank but she was sure he had his reasoning, they took a table somewhere where they could give them alone time yet still keep an eye on Aubrey.

"you look beautiful."

She blushed as she looked down at her outfit thinking I thought i looked pretty gross. It wasn't an every day thing where she didn't wear make up or didn't brush her hair, usually she would at least run a comb over it and put on a little concealer but she didn't feel like doing it so she didn't. She had major regret when she saw Aubrey walking up but her regret vanished when he said she looked beautiful. He grabbed her hand and moved forward before wrapping his arms around her and hugging her, she exhaled as her eyes fluttered closed, she lay her head on his strong chest just how she liked and felt her shaking stop instantly. He pulled away dragging his arms away but stopping once he reached her belly, he smiled down at her as his hand rest gently on the side of her tummy, she felt a bit of anxiety when he pulled away completely but just let it go. Her shaking started up again as she sat down, she tried to make it less noticeable by crossing her leg over the other but she knew Aubrey could tell, but being the gentleman he was he didn't say anything about it.

"How's Mason?"

Her heart jumped when he said that, not only did he ask how the baby was doing but he called him Mason, he said his name and god it felt good to hear. She smiled as she looked down to her tummy, she looked back up at him with her dimples and perfect teeth flashed to him

"Hes doing good."

"good, and hows my baby?"

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion

"you just asked me that."

"no not that baby. i meant my other are you doing?"

He reached over the table and grabbed her hand, he held it in his as she felt like she was gonna die. Her heart pounded as she blushed, hearing him call her his baby made her want to jump across the table and do nasty things with him but there were two reasons that couldn't happen. one they were in public and two she was carrying there child.

"im doing.... well im doing."

His eyebrows raised as he rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. He liked holding her hand, it was small and fit perfectly into his, it was clammy but he didn't mind because he loved the feel of her.


She shrugged and took in a deep breath but didn't quit release it all together, more slowly and time taking with letting her breath go.

"what about you? how have you been?"

She avoided the question but he let it go, he was just happy to be here with her

"im okay, i miss you so much baby girl."

She smiled small but it looked forced, she had bags under her eyes and fatigue in her eyes like she hadn't slept in a few days. She had a cut above her brow that had been tended to probably by herself with a simple butterfly bandage across it to keep it closed up. He could tell from the way she stood that she was in pain as she tilted herself to the side a bit but he didn't want to bring up questions he was positive she wouldn't want to answer, he wasn't here to interview her. He was here to take her home.

"Come on."

He stood up still holding her hand in his and looked over at the guards letting them know it was time to go. She stood up timidly as she glanced over at the massive guards that walked over to them

"what? where are we going?"

"were going home. i don't care what you say because i cant take not having you with me any longer. If you don't want to go home with me then i'll simply have to go to the hotel with you. i cant be without you Sunny and i cant be without Mason, so.... come."

She smiled as she looked down and shuffled over to him, his hand shifted as he intertwined his fingers with hers, her left hand was connected to his while she take her right and place it on his wrist as she walk behind him closely not wanting to let go. Her shaking had stopped as she cheesed hard and this time it went away for good.

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