Freshman boy

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Josh's POV: I walked to school arriving about an hour early. I didn't feel like waiting outside and I was friendly with most of the teachers here so I just decided to go inside and sit in one of the classrooms until school started.

I sat down and and listened to some music waiting for the bell to ring. About 45 minutes later a boy walked in, an obvious freshman because he looked very nervous and went straight to the back of the room. He was thin and somewhat tall. He kept his head low. He was wearing a hoodie and some skinny jeans, this boy intrigues me. I sit for a few more minutes and can feel a pair of eyes set on me, I turn and look directly at him and he freezes.. I hope I didn't scare him, but I obviously made him even more anxious because he looked stunned and turned away, putting his head in his arms on the desk.

The next thing I know I feel myself standing up and walking towards him, I'm not sure why I did this because I'm not really one to put myself out there or just go up to people.. But I was really curious about him.

The floorboards creaked a bit and I saw him turn his head slightly as I stopped by his desk. He looked terrified but I quickly tried to break the ice extending my hand to his "Hey. I'm Josh" was all I could manage to say.. Wow Josh, how clever. "T-Tyler" was all he replied with. He was so nervous, it was kind of adorable, and his voice.. That was also adorable. Is it normal to call another boy adorable? Well he is 3-4 years younger than me, so I suppose that's not too weird.

Just then the doors opened and everyone came rushing in. I walked out of the room in a hurry to beat the crowds and shortly after arrived at my first class and found a seat in the back. I hope it wasn't strange that I just left right after introducing myself.. Well I'll probably see him around, maybe I could help him out since he's new here.

(Some time later..)

Lunch time! Finally, I'm starving. I sat down with a few of my buddies from last year, not that I had all that many friends but they were alright. I ate fast and did a bit of studying with my spare time after. I got up to go buy a red bull before the bell rang and noticed Tyler limping and holding his side as he slowly made his way to his next class. I wonder what happened.. He was small and that kinda made him an easy target, ugh if he got beat up on his first day I'd feel so bad. I know between us we've barely uttered 3 words to one another but he's new and I'm older, I feel like I could help him out or something. I'm gonna try and talk to him tomorrow.

The day ended and I walked home, noticing Tyler walking the same way a bit ahead of me. We walked down different streets but hey he lives pretty close to me. Hmm..

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