Chapter Twelve:

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Chapter Twelve:

*Harry's P.O.V*

"Com'on" I said walking past the boys and walking out the exit of the school. I scampered down the stairs and made my way to the side walk. I heard their footsteps catch up to me as we walked down the side walk. I brushed my curly locks out from infront of my eyes and shoved my hands into my pockets. I looked ahead of me and saw a street sign.

Maple street? I dont even know where we are! Good one Harry. Your such a genius "Liam do you remember where it is?" I asked stopping in my tracks. 

"Yea its right this way." Liam took charge and cut infront of me leeding the way to the beach. At least someone knows where we're going. "So why are we doing this?" Niall questioned rising an eyebrow at me. "I told you! I just want to check it out!" Niall jokingly (

To be honest I really don't know why I want to check out Kate's hideout. I feel like i'll find something or see something that will lead us closer to her secret. I don't even know why I want to know her secret so bad. You know that feeling you get when your so close to finding something? When your so close to the answer that you'll do anything you can to find it out? That's what I feel. I dont know, i'm probably going crazy...

I heard the rawring ocean as we approach the opening of the beach. The road suddenly came to an end and was replaced by soft sand. I took a few steps to the middle of the beach and starred at the beautiful, blue water infront of me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of the salty air. It' so calming here.

"This way guys" Liam said waving at us to follow him. I jogged over to the rest of the guys and continued walking down the beach. 

"You said it was about a mile down the beach, right?" Zayn squinted his eyes and peered down the beach. "Yea it was near a big log" Liam said shading the sun with his hand. I looked down the beach to try to spot the log, but it was no where in sight. "Let's start walking" I stated making my way acros the sand.

This is gonna take a while.


"Are we almost there!?" Niall moaned dragging his feet in the sand. "Yea it should be around here!" We all looked around trying to find the log. What does he mean by 'a log'? Like a small branch? How are we suppost to find that!? This beach is so big! "There!" Zayn yelled pointing to a gigantic log laying across the sand by the dunes. Definitely not a small branch...

"So this is it? We walked all this way to look at this stupid log!?" Niall said clearly not happy...and hungry. You should never mess with Niall when he's hungry, things can get bad.

"Just follow me!" Liam yelled back. Liam suddenly walked past the log and climbed up into the dunes. Umm what's he doing?

The rest of shares confussed looks as we watched Liam. "Are you guy's just gonna stand there, or are you gonna come?" He yelled when he reached the top. I shrugged my shoulders and made my way to the dunes.

I grabbed onto Liam's hand for support as I climbed up the small hill. What I saw was quite odd. There was a pond. Yes, a pond. I didn't even know that this was here! Its so beautiful! The water in the pond is a light blue with white sand and rocks scattered everywhere. It was a gorgeous sight.

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