Chapter Seven:

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Chapter Seven:

*Kate's P.O.V*

"Hey Kate, did you eve-"




Bell was suddenly interrupted by a ringing noise. A phone I think? 

"What was that?" Ella questioned, her eyes roming around the tree

"I don't know but it came from the tree." Bell said, pointing to the massive tree.

"Lets go check it out!" Ella announced, standing up and brushing the sand off her legs.

I don't think this is such a good idea. What if it's some killer guy thats waiting to chop us up into small little pieces. Ew. I shivered at the thought and stood up, and brushed myself off.

Com'on Kate, think positive.

A cold breeze rushed past my body causing me to wrap my arms across my stomach. I was only in a bathing suit so it was pretty chilly.

"Shhhh!.." Ella whispered, lifting her finger infront of her lips. Ella waved to us, telling Bell and I to follow her. We walked softly on our bare feet over to the huge tree.

"Okay, you and Bell go around the left side of the tree, and i'll go around the right side. That way we can corner whoever is behind the tree. On the count of three."

We quickly got into our positions, then looked back at Ella for her signal. She glared back at us and held up her fingers, counting to three. 





Me and Bell jumped out and darted to the other side of the tree, but ran right into someone. The person stummbled to the ground and fell right on their butt.

"Liam!?" I yelled, completely dumbfounded. What is Liam doing here!? Why is he here? How did he find our hideout!?

"Um... Hi." He replied, picking himself up off the ground. He fixed his shirt and hair before looking  back up at us again.

"Why are you here!?" I said, now getting angery.


Did he hear my conversation before?

"Why are YOU here!?"  Liam spat back at me, gaining condidence and walking towards me.

"I-I Ugh.. I" I stuttered, searching my mind for any excuse. 

"We just came here to hang out. So...You can leave now." Ella shot back at Liam.

"I find it a bit weird that you came here, in the middle of the night, pretty much in the middle of no where, to 'Hang out.'" He said making air quotes with his fingers.

Damn. Now what are we suppost to say? 'I just come here to swim with my mermaid friends..the usual!'


We just sat there, not saying anything. I'm pretty sure Bell and Ella couldn't think of anything either.

"I know your hiding something." Liam finally spoke. 

Oh crap. I'm guessing he heard me before..

"You don't know anything!" 

"I know you have a secret that has to do with water." "I'm not scared to find it out either."

His words repeated in my head. 'I'm not scared to find out' 'I'm not scared to find out' 'I'm not scared to find out" What if he does fing out!? What will I do!? I CAN'T let him find out.

"I don't know what your talking about." I whispered taking a few steps backwards.

"I know you and your two friends are hiding something." He said, smirking while taking more steps towards me.

"We really don't know what your talking about!" Ella said, playing dumb.

"Don't play that game with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Out of no where, a flame of anger blew up inside me. I clenched my fists and launched at Liam. I gripped onto his shoulders and threw him against the tree.

"You have to leave us alone and stay out of my business! Got it?" I yelled. 

I can feel Liam's shoulder's shake a bit, you can tell he was 'acting' tough. His eyes were huge with shock. My eye's gazed into his.

I think I made my point.

"Well would you look at the time! We better go now right Kate!?" Bell said, clearly trying to stop things before they get worst.

"Right." I said playing along with Bell game. Ella had already gathered our stuff together and was jogging to to the dunes.

"Freaks..." I heard Liam mummble under his breath. I shot him a quick death stare.

Before I know it, Bell grabbed my wrist and we jumped out of the dunes. I didn't have time to look behind me, we just left. We walked all the way down the beach and to the road. 

We tummbled through the door, quickly locking it after. We were all silent, unable to speak. When did I get all that confidence!? I didn't think I could do that. Especially to Liam!

Then Bell spoke.

"We need to come up with a plan."


Heyyy! Yah Yah I no this chapter is really short. Sorryy.

So...Liam ..

He's onto Kate..

And Kate's got some confidence noww

What do you think is going to happen!?

If you have any suggestions or anything please inbox me!! I would love to talkkk!





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