Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

I sprinted out of the cafeteria, aiming for the bathrooms. I barged through the door and fell to the floor. My legs were now replaced be a long, orange/ goldish tail. I quickly reached up and locked the door. Dont need anybody coming in here! I let out a sigh. How am I gonna get rid of this? My eyes darted around the bathroom, looking for some way to dry my tail. The bathroom is also the girls locker room...which means there showers...which means theres towels!

I scanned the room till I found them, stacked on the shelf. I used my arms to drag myself over to them. Its a lot of work considering my tail is so heavy! I streched one arm out, keeping my balance with the other. My finger tips just reached the towels. I yanked one off the shelf and breathed  out a sigh of relief. I threw the towel over my tail and started drying it.

After about five minutes of drying, my legs finally reapeared. I picked myself off the ground, stummbling a little, but then regaining my balance. I walked over to the mirror and straightened out my outfit. My hair was no longer wet. Wherever I change back from mermaid form, I change back into the outfit and hair as before. 

I walked out of the bathroom/ locker room and discided to not go back into the cafeteria after that scene! I discided on the library and started making my way down there. I walked in and took a seat at one of the tables. I spent the rest of lunch just thinking.

*End Of School*

The bell finally rang, I sprang up out of my seat and excited the class I was in. I sped walked to my locker and pulled it open. I quickly threw all my stuff into my bag and slammed my locker shut. I always rush at the end of school so Harry and his friend wouldnt find me. I jogged home..It was only about ten minutes away.

I burst threw my front door, flicked off my shoes, and skipped up the stairs. There wasnt any cars in the driveway so im guessing no one is usual. I ran to my room, threw my bag on my bed, and was making my way to my bathroom when the window caught my eye. I walked over to my window, looking at the amazing view of the ocean.

I slowly made my way over to the window and sat on the window sill. The light white sand mad the crystal blue wave stand out. Its always so peaceful watching the ocean. After watching the waves crash on the shore over and over, I realized what time it was. 5:30.

Everyday after school at around six o'clock, I walk down to the ocean and meet my two best friends, Ella and Bell. They are also mermaids. We actually all became mermaids together! Its a pretty funny story actually because we dont even know how it happened! Ella and Bell dont go to my school though. They go to West Shore High and I go to East Shore High. Its not that far away though! We met a long time ago, around the time when we become mermaids. Ella lives really close to me but Bell dosnt, she's always at Ella's house though anyway.

I got up from the compfy window sill and ran to my closet. I grabbed by black bikini and put it on. I picked out a pair of white short and a black tank top and threw them on too. I went to my bathroom this time, searching for three towels. I scanned the room and found them stacked next to the bath tub. Bingo! I picked them up and ran back to my bed. I grabbed my bookbag, throwing it down on the floor. The books spilt out across the wooden floor. Ugh! I got down on the hands and knee's and quickly shoved the books under my bed. After everything was out of my bag and under my bed, I stuffed the three towels into it.

I tost the bag over my sholder and skipped down the stairs, and out the front door. I started on the ten minute walk to the gorgeous beach. I hummed myself a song as I kicked a white pebble down the hard grey road. I was thinking about Them...Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn. Why do they hate me? We all used to be such good friends!


"Come on guys! Lets go play!" I yelled at the boys. We got up and ran into the park and to the swings. I jumped up on the swing and started swinging. Louis was standing infront of me as I pretended to karate kick him.

"Hey guys! Come look at this!" Niall yelled, waving at us to come over. We all raced over to the edge of the woods where Niall was. Niall's face held a shocked yet excited look on his face. Niall pointed towards the top of a tree, or eyes following. Our eyes landed on a big, wooden, tree house! Everyone's jaw dropped and we started jumping up and down, clapping our hands.

"Oh my gosh! Niall did you make this!?" I asked. "No I just found it! I think it's abandon." Niall replied. "Lets go in it!" Liam cheered, already halfway there. We chased after him and stopped when we got to the bottem of the tree. I circled the tree, looking for a way to climb up. Found one! There was a small wooden lader leaning against the tree. 

"Over hear!" I yelled, calling them over. "I'll go up first!" Harry said, pushing everyone ot of the way and climbing up the lader. "Be Carefuul!" I called up to him. Harry reached the top and disappeared into the treehouse. All you could hear was the creeking of the wood when he walked. "Wow guys! Come up here!" Harry called down to us.

Me, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn all looked at each other and shrugged our sholders, giving in. I reached for the lader, but was pushed out of the way by a way to excited Louis. He darted up the ladder and also disappeared. "Wooooooww!!!" That was all we heard as Louis climbed in the treehouse.

About three minutes later, we were all in the tree house. It was so amazing! There were wooden cabiniets, and wooden chairs! The tree trunk grew straight threw the middle of the house. We ended up staying in the tree house for hours!

"This is officialy our spot, just for us!" Harry said.



I miss that. The tree house, the old days. What happened to us? What went wrong? We would go there all the time! Have so much fun. No one ever found us up there!I havent been in it in years. What happened?

My thoughts were interupted when the ocean breeze blew my hair in my face. I shook my head, flipping my hair out of my face. I started walking to Ella's, Bell's, and my secret hideout. Our hideout is far down the beach. Maybe a mile or so? It's up in the dunes though so its really hidden. Theres a huge log laying on the beach signaling our hide out was right there in the dunes. Its a pretty simple place. Its just a big pond. There a giant oak tree growing right next to it, reaching over the pond. I took a quick look around, making sure no one else was on the beach. I started my long walked down the beach.


A/N: Hellooo:) Sorry for the wait! And I know this chapter ends really randomly but im saving it for the next chapter! Tell me what you think! Really hope you likes it!




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