Chapter Three:

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Chapter 3:

I got back from the beach at around nine tonight. We didnt really do much though. We talked for a while and Bell and Ella told about the newest drama in there school while we went for a swim. I had already taken a bath and I am now in bed. After a while of thinking of random things, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

*Next Day*

I woke up to that noise again. Stupid alarm clock. I smacked it and rolled over, looking at the time. 7:40. Im going to be late! School starts at 7:45! I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet. I threw on a pair of white shorts and a light pink tank top. I threw my hair into a messy bun, not having time to do anything else. I grabbed my black converse and stuck them to my feet. I swung my book bag over my shoulder and jogged down the stairs and into my kitchen. I sped walked to the cabinets and grabbed a breakfast bar. I ripped the wrapper off and shoved it in my mouth, gobbling it down in just a few seconds. After I was done, I tossed the wrapper in the track and ran off to school.

*At School*

I arrived at school just in time for the bell to ring and everyone skattering to class. I got to my locker and threw everything I didnt need in it. I grabbed my science book, considering I have science first, then slammed my locker shut. I walked down the hall and into the science room, everyone giving me a dirty glare.

"Is there a reason for you being late Mrs. Morgan?" My science teacher, Mr. Krupp asked. He was a tall, muscular, man with a buz cut, yah, he's pretty scary. "Ummm...I-I just...Ughh, over slept?" I replied, sounding more like a question then an answer. He just stared at me for a few seconds "Don't let it happen again. Now take your seat." He said, clearly annoyed.

I sped walked to my seat and sat down. "Okay class, today we will be doing an experiment. You will need a partner, which I had already assigned for you." Mr. Krupp said. Great. We get partners. (sarcasm intended.) The worst part is Louis, Harry, and Liam are in my class. I really hope im not partners with them.

"The experiment is that you are dissecting frogs!" What. Ew. He's kidding. Right? Im so not doing this. "And you must do this assignment. It's a big part of your grade." I sighed a sigh of anger, realizing I have no way out of the assignment. "Okay, here are your partners. Rachel with Luke, Petter with Katie, Jordan with Sophie, Liam with Kate, Danny with Sydney, Harry with Emma, and Louis with Abigal. Okay, find your partner and get started!" Well this is a great day. NOT! I have to dissect a frog with Liam. Eww. Lets just get this over with.

I stood up from my seat, scanning the room for Liam. He was talking to Harry and Louis. They were whispering to each other, occastionally looking at me. Im guessing they were talking about me? Harry pointed at me, then nodded to the other boys. They all smirked evily, then they went there seperate ways. What just happened?

Liam made his way over to me, dodging the other students. "Hey whore!" Liam said, now standing in front of me. "H-Hi" I stuttered. "What? Are you scared Kate?" He said, stepping closing, staring at me with his cold eyes. "N-No." I said, but truely terrified. "Let's just get this project over with." I said, walking around him and to the lab table.

There was a tray, filled with different scary looking types of tools. Then, to my right, was a huge frog pinned to a wooden cutting board. I could have throw up right then and there, but I tried my hardest not to. I really dont want to do this. Liam soon came up behind me, smirking when he saw the frog. How is he so evil?

(A/N: Im not going to write the 'Frog Dissecting' part cause I might throw up myself!)

After a very sick stumach, a poor dead frog, and a very entertained Liam, we were finally done. "Okay class, good job! Now if you could, please go wash off your tools and put them back on the tray." I cant wash the tools! My hands would get wet! And that cant happen! "I guess i'll wash them." Liam said. Ummm..That was easier then I thought.

Liam grabbed everything that needed to be washed and walked over to a sink. I just stood next to Liam, watching him wash the tools. I didnt know what else to do! "Freak" Me mummbled under his breath.

After a few more minutes, Liam turned off the sink. "You can dry them." He said. He picked up a towel and tossed it to me. All of a sudden, he lifted up his hands and flicked his fingers at me, causing drops of water to fly off and land on my face. Oh no.

*Liam's P.O.V*

Dissecting a frog was awesome. The only thing that ruined it was Kate. She's such a freak. "Okay class, good job! Now if you could, please go wash off your tools and put them back on the tray." Mr. Krupp said. I waited there, expecting Kate to do it. She remainded there, not taking her eyes off the ground, or even budging. "I guess i'll wash them." I said, having no other choice. I gathered the tools and brought them over to the sink.

As I was washing the tools, I noticed Kate standing next to me, staring at me. "Freak." I mummbled. A few more minutes passed by. I finally finished and turned off the sink, which seemed to catch Kate's attention. "You can dry them." I said, picking up a small towel and tossing it at her. Wow... She caught it. I wanted to annoy her so I lifted up my hands and flicked my fingers, spraying water all over her face.

Kate's eyes burst with fear as she spun around and ran towards the door, flying past everyone. Mr. Krupp must have saw her cause he tried to stop her, but she pushed him out of the way. Me, Harry, and Louis looked at each other, all having the same facial expression.

What the hell!! Whats her problem? It was only water!!! It's not like it's going to kill her!

Helllooo :D Reaallly hope you liked the chapter. Comment what you think! What do you think Liam is going to do? Next chapter will be up very soon!




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