The Question

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Cassie we have to think of names are you gonna do the c's or are you gonna pick a different letter.

Carlie I don't even know if I'm having a boy or a girl.

That's easy I believe you gonna have a boy. Want to know why?

Why Carlie?

Cause mom and Ronnie's mom both started out with a boy. So did carter and tori.

Really Carlie

Yep really

Your weird.

I know I am. -walks away-


Wake me up inside
I'm not trying to hide,
so save myself
through my open doors

You tried to save from death
But I'm to far away from earth
To have you give up on me
So don't let me be
As I open my doors tonight.....

I wrote down on the paper, and thought to myself, I really wanted to make a song that was meaning full to others and myself.

"Carlie, you okay?" Ronnie asked while sitting next to me on the couch of the studio.

"Hmm oh, yeah I'm just trying to think of lyrics"

"What do you have right now?"

"A choruses and A somewhat stanza" handing him the paper he looked at it and smiled

"It's good just don't over think it. let it come to you, okay" telling me.

"Yeah okay. What are you doing here?"

"Jacky wanted me to tell you that you guys are going on a date tonight, and you need to dress up"

"Okay but why couldn't he tell me that on his own"

"Cause he want's it to be perfect for tonight. You guys dated for almost 8 months now, you know that right"

"Yes I'm aware of that. Don't you have a pregnant wife to take care of"

"Shit yeah got to go bye, have fun tonight"

"Okay" he left and I stayed in the studio for awhile until I decided to go home to get ready.

I opened the door to my front door and walked to my bedroom.

"Carlie is that you?" my mom called out

"No it's a cat bugler that want to act like Carlie, Yes mom it is and I'm getting ready for my date with Jacky." I heard snickering and a laugh.

"CARLIE MARIE-ANN COLEMAN! DON"T YOU GET SMART WITH ME OR I'LL MAKE SURE YOU WON'T GET TO GO OUT!!!" She yelled and more laughter filled the house.

"I'm Sorry Mommy, I LOVE YOU!!!" saying and going to my room I shut the door and saw Jacky in a suit.

"Ronnie wasn't joking when you said dress nice" chuckling

"Yes I mean it."

"Okay well its a good thing my hair is acting right cause I wanna wear it with my natural curls" going into the closet and took my sparkly dress with my sparkly vans shoes. I put on earing's bracelet's and a necklace and fix my hair, I replied my make up and turn to Jacky.

"How do I look" asking while turning

"Gorgeous, love" telling me and kissing me.

He took my hand and led me out the door. "Have fun and be safe, you are to young to have a child" my mom yelled at us.

"Okay mom bye"

"Bye" the people in the living room yelled.

We got in the car and drove to someplace out in the middle of nowhere. It was just trees and no street light.

"Um Jacky where are we?" asking him

"The out skirt of town, so we can have a picnic under the stars" telling me

"Awww your sweet" he said and parked the car and coming around to open my door. He helped me out of the car and he went to the trunk of the car to get the blankets and the basket of food.

"Can I carry something" asking and he nodded while handing me the blankets. He took my hand and led me through the trees and then up a hill.

I looked up at the sky while Jacky settled stuff out. he had candles and a bombox that was battery operated. I sat down and he handed me a glass of wine.

"Thank you" I said and looked at the sky again. "Its so beautiful so many stars"

"Its is." he said and putting a plate of spaghetti in between us.

"What are we suppose to eat a same noddle and magically our lips meet and we kiss" saying while giggling.

He smiled "Yes want to try" asking me

I giggled even more "Sure" getting a fork and twirling it around while he does the same. Some how that's what happen but the kiss ended up for an hour.

We finish the food and our drinks. I laid back and watched the stars.

"Carlie, I love you"

"I love you too" saying back to him. He got something but knocked over the wine bottle on him.

"Shit" he said


"I spelt wine on me"

"God Jacky why did you do that" I laughed

"Sorry I didn't mean to do it"

"Well your weird"

"Yes but you love me though"

"Yes I do" kissing him

"Can I ask you something?"


"Will you Marry me Carlie Marie-Ann Coleman?" Jacky asked while getting the ring out of his pocket and showing me the ring.

"Oh, Jacky its so beautiful. Yes" I said to him.

He smiled and put it on me and kisses me. "I know you don't get married so we can wait until your 23" telling me.

I nodded and kissed him while hugging him. We stayed for more hours talking about things until I yawned and we drove back to my house.

I don't remember falling asleep in the car but Jacky carried me to the bedroom and took off my dress, washed my face and put pj's on me. He kissed me good night and we both went to sleep.


Hey guys here's and update. Say thank my friend Jennifer for telling me to update. I have to say Next chapter is gonna be the last chapter. Then I'm gonna do a Book 2 preview for you guys. So yeah, pkay I'm gonna go now so


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