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Nicks POV

I take Charlie's bluey bento box out of the fridge , last night I prepared his lunch so that I wouldn't have to do it this morning. I know for a fact that lunch is going to be hard for Charlie, and I informed someone there that he struggles with eating, especially around strangers. 

I also told them to come and find me if he is really struggling.

I fill a sippy cup with water and sit it in the water bottle pocket, I unzip the front pocket of Charlie's frost green backpack and zip the lunchbox inside

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I fill a sippy cup with water and sit it in the water bottle pocket, I unzip the front pocket of Charlie's frost green backpack and zip the lunchbox inside. A notification pops up on my phone as I head up to my room, it's from Tara .


Today 08:05

' please tell me your awake?'

' im up , what's up ? '

'Nothing really, I'm just nervous about leaving

Darcy and I just need someone to talk to'

'Well I'm here to talk, I've got a few minutes

 before I have to get Charlie up ' 

'Thank you'

'😊 it's okay, now what's worrying you ?'

' I guess I'm not really sure how Darcy's going to

react when I drop her off , because she seems

really confident when you first get to know her 

but she's also really sensitive'

'I hear you'

' I don't know, I feel like she's going to breakdown 

and then put a barrier between us,which I don't 

want  . she's done it before and it was hard , It 

was hard for me to break that barrier , it 

really was'

' have you spoken about this with Darcy ?'

'Yes but she says she will be fine and

not too worry, but I can't not worry Nick !'

'I know it's hard but I think you need to have

another talk with her , about how you're really

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