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Nick's POV 

I wake up to cries coming from Charlie's crib, I turn over to look at my alarm clock I groan when I see it's six . I get out of bed walking over to Charlie who looks as if he is asleep but he's still definitely crying , I notice his dummy isn't within eyeshot .

I would look for it but I need to calm him before he wakes up my mum , I quickly walk to one of the draws and grab a random plain white paci . I hold on his bottom lip before he takes it and finally starts to calm down, I sigh and walk back to my bed looking at my phone.

I feel asleep whilst being on my phone but I was awoken by Charlie's whimpers again, I walk to the crib to see he has rolled onto his stomach and there's a wet patch on him bum. I gently pick him up to get him on the change table trying not to wake him , I successfully changed him and changed his onesie to a navy blue footie .

I'm about to put him back in his crib but I decide to put a sleep sack on him so he won't wake up as soon as I put him down . I zip his mint green sleep sack up taking him over to his crib, I walk to my wardrobe and grab a plain white shirt.

I'm not going to try and go back to sleep since I know I would be getting up rather soon , I gently shut the door and walk down to the living room.I sit on the couch putting on modern family and I wrap a blanket around my body, I can see it's starting to get lighter meaning my mum and Charlie will be up soon.

I hear the fridge open so I look over my shoulder to see my mum grabbing the milk from the fridge "morning mum" I say gently trying not to make her jump but she still does "oh , hi Nicky I didn't notice you " she smiles and walks up to me "I heard him stirring so I decided to come down to get him some milk before he fully woke up " she sits down on the other couch "thanks mum" every thing is silent for a few minutes ,well other than the tv playing .

"Did you sleep well?"

"I did , did you?"

"I guess, Charlie was very fussy "

"Hmm, what headspace is he in ?"

"I'd say one or maybe two "

She just nods and we talk for a bit until we are interrupted by Charlie's cries , mum gets up before I can "I'll get him" I'm not going to argue with her. 

Sarah's POV 

I walk to nicks room and open the door to find Charlie wriggling around in his crib still crying "hey, calm down Charlie " he looks at me with his bright glossy blue eyes , he tries reaching for me through the bars . "Okay okay" I unzip his footie and pick him up taking him in my arms "shh Charlie your alright " I rock him and he starts calming down.

I place him on his change table but as soon as I put him down he starts to tear up again , I sigh and pick him up again "do you want your dada?" Of course he does I shouldn't need to ask him that "come on then " I take him out the room turning off his noise machine.

I walk over to Nick who is making himself some breakfast "your child " I say sarcastically handing Charlie towards nick "hey baby" nick takes him as Charlie starts babbling to him "wow that sounds amazing , mum could you warm his milk up please ?" I nod and walk over to the microwave where I take the lid off of the bottle I prepared earlier , I put the bottle in and turn the microwave on for two minutes.

"Do you think he's In baby space , Nick?"I turn away from the microwave to look at nick who is bouncing Charlie on his hip "yep, goodbye sleep "I chuckle and grab the bottle once the microwave beeps.

I walk to the couch where Charlie is playing with nicks hair while babbling to him self , I hand nick the bottle and he cradles Charlie feeding him his bottle.


Nick's POV 

I take Charlie up to our bedroom after burping him, I place him in his crib while I get his clothes .i hear Charlie whining so I walk over to him and put his white paci in his mouth "I'll pick you up in a minute char" I grab a space themed onesie and a nappy putting them by the change table next to a pair of grey leggings and a pair of socks , I tickle the back of Charlie's neck making him roll over onto his back "does that tickle, does it?" I say in a baby voice which in my opinion I think is stupid but Charlie seems to like it and that's all that matters.

I lay him on his change table and quickly get him changed and Dressed, I sit him up and notice he's chewing his hand and not his paci "hey Charlie where's your paci " he just looks at me with wide eyes and squeals , he makes grabby hands to me so I pick him up but he grabs my face with his wet hands . 

He presses his forehead against mine and starts running his nose against mine making me laugh. Once he stops I kiss his forehead "aww, thank you Charlie " I laugh and take him downstairs not before grabbing a cloth bib and the paci he had earlier with a green paci clip.

I place Charlie in his bouncer and turn babyjake on the tv , I hand him a few mini melts and I head upstairs to get ready.

I come downstairs to see Charlie gone "mum!?" I hear footsteps coming from the downstairs bathroom , my mum comes into the living room ready for work whilst holding Charlie who is playing with her hair "he got a bit restless " my mum explains and puts Charlie on the floor when he signals to be put down.

"Charlie ?!"He looks up from his toys sitting on his padded bum .

"Nanny's going to work now " he looks at me then my mum and I can see he's bottom lip quivering , I'm about to step in but my mum takes the lead "don't cry my boy ,I won't be long you know that " mum picks him up bouncing him , I can see tears streaming down Charlie face "Charlie look at me " he looks at her "you know nanny always comes back,doesn't she" he just nods resting his head on mums shoulder "okay,and we always have fun after nanny comes back from work " he nods his head again "so when I get home we can play with your dinosaurs and whatever else , and I promise it won't feel so long until I'm home but for now I want you to have some fun with your dada,okay ?" .

He nods again and mum kisses his forehead before handing him over to me , mum gets her shoes and coat and picks her bag off of the floor. I hear Charlie start to whimper "charlie remember what I said , and I wonder what I should bring back home today what do you think nick?" .

"hmm I don't know mum , what should you bring home?"

" maybe we should ask charlie"charlie looks at the both of us and babbles something , he gets frustrated so i plonk him on the floor.he crawls over to the kitchen and tries reaching for something "Babi?! I walk over and hold him up "what do we want?" He points to a vase full of lily of the valley "you want flowers ?" I question and he squeals in response "mum he wants you to bring him some flowers".

She slightly laughs "of course anything for my boy" . We then sit on the stairs while saying goodbye to my mum and waving her off.

I will post part two tomorrow hopefully 

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