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Tw: homophobic slur only a bit

Charlie's POV 

"SHE WHAT!" I watch as Tori paces around the room in a wrath of anger "I swear I'm going to kill a body " I whimper slightly slipping back into little space, she freezes in place as she hears me.

"I'm sorry Charlie I just- that so called mother of ours is ..." I watch as she thinks probably trying to find a more appropriate word " she's just not fit to be a mum" she comes back to the rocking chair and crouches down In front of me, she sighs "so she's been texting you and threatening you?" I nod "is there anything else?" .

I stare into space as all my thoughts blend together "I umm , when me and nick went shopping he had to quickly go back into the shop after we had paid, because he forgot something important. I was 'big ' so it wasn't a big deal but -" Tori wipes a stray tear from my face and I continue .

"I was texting Tao and a familiar figure stood infront of me-"


I stand like a statue staring at the woman who raised me, she smirks at me and grabs my wrist. I flinch as I had been scratching my arms a lot today "please let go" I say quietly, she just grabs my other wrist and pulls me closer to her "why should I listen to a pathetic fag like you " I whimper as she digs her nails into my wrists.

"How your kinky lifestyle going , hmm bet it's not as fun as you thought !?" 

"I-It's not like that y-you know that " 

She pushes me backwards but I quickly steady myself "you know what I do know that, but since that nick Nelson is the one meant to be looking after you, I bet you both take that as an opportunity " she whisper shouts then quickly turns around seeing nobody is there , she slaps me across the face , it hurt it really did but hopefully it shouldn't leave too much of a mark.

End of flashback 

I look at Tori who also has tears streaming down her face, she embraces me in warm bat like hug . I've never been hugged by a bat but this feels like what it would be like, unlike nicks golden retriever hugs and Sarah's nanny bear hugs Toris Is more...you know Tori.

"I am so sorry that , that animal has to always impact our lives and especially yours, if I could I would teach her a big lesson one that she won't even remember the next day " I giggle slightly and so does Tori "does Nick know?" I shake my head .

"I think we should tell him " 

"No no no please, I don't want him to worry "

"Fine , but if she does or says anything out of order you tell me, okay"

"Okay" .

Nick's POV 

They've been upstairs for around twenty five minutes, but I decided to leave them alone. Soon I hear creaking coming from the stairs , they both come down hand in hand. "DADA!" Charlie jumps onto my lap "please don't shout char" he cups my face "we go's now!?" I look at Tori and she nods .

"Alright, just give us five minutes " I tell both Tori and Charlie.

"Whyyyyyy!?"charlie whines as I pick him up "why do you think bubba ?" He blushes and hides his face in the crook of my neck once he realises , I carry him upstairs to the bathroom grabbing a pull up on the way there .

I help Charlie take of his pull up and overalls "I'll be outside " I walk out the room and sit by the door. Me and mum have been trying to get Charlie to go to the toilet before we go out anyway, since he doesn't like to be changed in public and honestly I'm glad, those toilets are filthy .

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