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Nick's POV

"Nick , do you want me to take a bag ?" Elle asks "no it's alright, thanks though " we've already gone through passport control and checked in . We're now heading to the departures area ."dada down " Charlie wriggles in my grip so I set him down "hold onto my hand, don't let go " he nods and takes my hand , luckily there no queue today .

I take my phone out and get mine and Charlie's tickets so there at the ready, "I'm first " Darcy say s trying to climb under the bar "darce you need the ticket " Tara scans her phone and the barrier moves so Darcy can get through "wait there " Tara orders, just then a security guard walks up behind Darcy and she bumps into him "careful there little one " wrong choice of words mate .

"I'm not little, I'm big " she pouts staring up at the man "right, sorry " .

Tara goes through next so she can stop Darcy from being rude , then Elle and Tao . "Dada ?" Charlie whines as I walk through "why chu go , wit ouh me? " "you said to go " I reply scanning his ticket "bu chu go wit me " he whispers. "You know char , I think you're a bit tired today you're a bit grumpy " he gasps , " nu gwumpy!" "Alright, come on "I hold out my hand but he shakes his hand strutting over to Elle  , I put my hand over my heart acting like I was hurt , making Charlie giggle .

Once we're all through we get into the departure area , Tao runs to find us a seat. "Come " we all follow him to an almost empty row , with only a couple sat down . It's on the left hand side and we're in the middle row. I sit on the end empty chair "char" he lets go of Elle's hand running up to me and jumping on my lap "oof " he giggles and wriggles in my lap so he's comfy .

"Nick ,when Charlie play with me ?"

"Char, do you want to play with Darcy?" He shrugs "pleaseee" Darcy whines giving him puppy eyes " wa' we pway ?" "What ever you wan' " "Tay , we pway dinos " "hmph" "how about you play dinos and dragons?" I suggest, Darcy excitedly nods  and Charlie mumbles something under his breath .

"Dada bag . I hand him his Dino bag after he climbs off my lap and sits cross legged on the floor. "Nick you coming?" Sahar asks, I tilt my head a bit since I'm confused "to get some lunch " "oh, yeah " I get up and check to see Charlie still engrossed in his game with Darcy "I'll watch him " Tori says "thanks, do you want anything?" "Just a lemonade, thanks " I nod.

We walk to the pret cafe. I'm looking at the sandwich section, until I feel a pair of arms wrap themselves around my legs . "Charlie?" I hear the person sniffle , I put the sandwich I had in my hand back down on a random shelf. I twist my body so I can pick my boy up , he smashes his head into my chest . 

"I'm so sorry nick , he runs to fast-" Tori walks up to us out of breath ' it's fine' I mouth, she nods and walks away. "Do you want to talk right now ?" I ask readjusting him in my arms, he shakes his head "alright ".

I end up buying the avocado & chicken sandwich and an orange Fanta "char , do you want a yogurt?" He lifts his head up from my shoulder chewing on my hoodie , he points to the five berry bowl . I take it and go to pay . "He's adorable " the lady says Smiling "thanks, char can you say thank you " he whines "sorry " I don't want to push him "that's alright " .

After paying I take the things and head back to the group .

I set my lunch on the arm rest and open Charlie's yogurt, I take a spoonful of it and guide it to his lips , he opens his mouth and lets me feed him. He has about five spoonfuls before pushing the spoon away "done?" He nods "well done, baby " I praise him wiping spoon and his mouth with a wipe . 

I look over to see Darcy snatching some of Isaacs pasta .


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