🎃Halloween special 🎃

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"Go !"

"We have to get you ready bubba "

"Otay , I weady tan go!"

"Okay, come on " I wait at the top of the stairs for Charlie to come up , I take him into my room placing him on his change table.I change Charlie's nappy then I put his costume on, his first costume choice was a dinosaur costume but I shut that choice down quickly.there's a bit too much dinosaur in my life we needed a change by we I mean me, in the end we choose Charlie a bat costume and I was thinking about going as a zombie but everyone said I should go as a vampire since Charlie's gonna be a bat. Plus if I went as a zombie there really wouldn't be much to change.

I get Charlie dressed in his bat costume and clip a bat paci to it .

"Can you go and play with the toys in your playpen for two minutes?"

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"Can you go and play with the toys in your playpen for two minutes?"

"Wes" he makes grabby hands to me and I place him on the floor while I get ready .

Once I'm ready I go downstairs to not find Charlie in his playpen but to find him in the kitchen on the table watching my mum cook "I bat tu fwy" my mum laughs "your also a very cute bat Charlie " I walk to the table picking Charlie up and putting him in his high chair "I Nu charwie I bat"  "yes sorry about that your a bat and a very very cute one " mums cooing over Charlie making him blush.

I hand Charlie a sweet potato pouch while he talks to my mum . "Right Charlie we better get going " I wipe his face with a baby wipe "Newie come?" I shake my head and put him on his feet "it's going to be a bit overwhelming for her tonight " "nanny come ?" My mum ruffles his hair "I'm sorry but I have to stay with Nellie " Charlie pouts so I pick him up taking him to the front door , I put his and my shoes on and i hold our jackets "bye mum " "bye Nicky bye Charlie ".

I put Charlie in his car seat this time facing away from me "turn" I tell him no and quickly put his paci in his mouth.

We get to Tara's house and I park the car "we're here baby " no reply , I get out the car and open Charlie's side to find him fast asleep so I carefully unclip the car seat and take him out still in the car seat carrier. I lock the car and walk up to the front door I'm pretty sure everyone's here already.

"Hey Nick " Tao comes to the front door and notices Charlie "oops sorry " "it's okay, i like your costume " Tao's dressed as bowser "oh Elle made me wear it " I laugh and walk into the living room where everyone is situated. The first person who notices me is Darcy who is dressed as lion  "NICK!" She makes everyone jump and Charlie stir "Darcy calm it " I think the zoo keeper sorry I mean Tara noticed that Charlie is asleep.

I place the carrier down next to Elle and I sit on the floor next to him "guys be quiet " Elle whisper shouts "Elle it's okay he's in a pretty deep sleep ".


"So when should we head out?"

"Don't be inpatient Tao !"elle glares at him

"I'm not i just need to know so I can get an idea "

I watch Charlie stretch in his seat "hey baby" I whisper in a soft tone and move the hair out of his face , I slightly opens his eyes and stares at me "Nick should we wait until cha-" Isaacs stopped by Charlie's cries "give me five minutes" I get up and take crying Charlie with me into the bathroom with the change bag ,I try and unzip his costume but he swats my hands away "I know you are feeling very upset right now Charlie but i need you to cooperate with me" he nods and his crying dies down to sniffles.

i change him and head back to the paris squad , to be honest i didn't really look at everyone's outfits but Tao and Elle are dressed as Princess peach and Bowser . Tara and Darcy are a zookeeper and lion ,Isaac is a black angle and Sahar is some sort of alien/robot thing.

"aww he's so cute and adorable " Elle looks over at him making him giggle as i share a look with Tara " just to warn you we cant say somebody else is adorable Infront of Darce" i snigger at what Tara just said but everyone else looks at us in confusion before Sahar speaks up "Let me guess Darcy said something inappropriate ?!" we both nod .


trick or treating went well i guess . Darcy did have a melt down because she could only eat two sweets and charlie also got very scared by a guy who chased us down the street with a fake chainsaw , and while running Tao was being kind and pushing the stroller but i bet he wish he wasn't now because he defo didn't slip and fall face first into a muddy puddle .

we're all in siting at the kitchen table getting ready to carve our pumpkins and eating some party food . "hey nick do you want to use darcy's highchair  for charlie?" "are you sure?" she nods bringing the highchair over "she doesn't even use it" i thank her and strap charlie into the chair.

i hand charlie a few melts and start on my pumpkin . about fifteen minutes in darcy announces shes done "I done!" Sahar looks at her puzzled "you sure about that darcy?!" darcy pouts and crosses her arms "Yes Sahar!" sahar turns back to her pumpkin .

"hey darcy do you want to show me your dragons you were talking about the other day ?"


"Darce we don't shout and are you sure elle?"

"yeah im done anyway


"and the winner is ... drum role please...ISAAC! dont be sad elle you always win"

we all laugh at what Tao said and congratulate isaac with his winning pumpkin.

we all sit down to watch a kid friendly ish movie , we ended up watching hocus pocus two which i was happy about but charlie wasn't so i put him im his carrier whith a blanket on top i was also able to slip my hand in so i could feel that he was safe in my presence .

happy Halloween

late again yeah i know at least i got it out before november.

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