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"Charlie spring , I suggest you get up and walk to that bathroom right now!" I say sternly, tidying up Charlie's things . "NU!" He screams, and bangs his 'little' fists on the carpet . I sigh , and walk to the bathroom . I sit down on the toilet lid and wait for Charlie . 


I look outside the room to see Darcy pulling on Charlie's arm " Nick say you need , get up!" I chuckle slightly "Darcy , I don't think Charlie's going to do that, but thank you for trying to help "  she nods and runs back over to Sahar .

I sit down infront of Charlie "char?" I hear him whine "can you sit up please?" He whines again "nu baf !" He lifts his head up and rests his chin on the floor. "And why's that?" I ask , wiping his tears  . 

"Nu 'eed baf " he pouts "are you sure?" He nods , so I lift him up and sit him on my lap. I grab his foot and sniff it "Pugh!" I plug my nose , jokingly. "I think you do need a bath , you're a bit smelly " he gasps and kicks his foot out of my grasp.

"I nu smewy "

"I think you are "

"Nu I not , chu aw !"

" I am not "

"Wes chu aw " he giggles.

"Alright then, what if you take a bath now and I take one later ?" I can tell Charlie was just about to say yes but he quickly changed his mind " nu ,  I baf wen waiter" I shake my head "you're going to bath now, because when we get home it's going to be way past your bedtime, I really don't want a fussy Charlie " I really don't.

"Dada take baf , nu fwussy"

"So I need to take a bath so I'm not fussy ,in the morning ?" He nods , "maybe, let's first get you all clean " I say , standing up and lifting Charlie onto my hip . I close the bathroom door and then lay Charlie on his changing pad , I pull his socks off and tickle his feet , he squeals and wriggles about .

I slide his overalls off and then his shirt "dada ?" I rip the sides of his pull up and stand him up "Charlie ?" I roll the sleeves of my hoodie "paci?" "Do you remember what I said " he nods as I lift him into the tub.

"Can I wash your hair?" Charlie hesitantly nods  "I'll be quick I promise " I pull the shower head down and turn it on , I hold it away from Charlie so it can adjust to the right temperature. "Okay ready?" "Tay" I hold my hand over his eyes , and hold the shower head above his hair. 

After a few seconds I move it away and I do the same with my hand , I squirt some shampoo into the palm of my hand. I rub the shampoo into Charlie's curls , Charlie whines but I quickly shush him .

I rinse all the shampoo out of his hair before massaging the conditioner into his hair. " 'ucky " Charlie says , blowing raspberry's "what's wrong?" I ask as I wash his back with a cloth " icky , it in my mouwf " I chuckle under my breath , "well first of all, take those fingers out of your mouth " he pulls his fingers away and I grab a handful of water from the tap , I pour it in his mouth. 

"Spit " I say , Charlie follows my order and he spits it out into the tub . "Better now?" He nods and I continue washing him and rinsing his hair out.

I grab a towel off the door and tell Charlie to stand up , I wrap the towel around his body and raise him up and out of the bath . I sit him on his changing mat and rub his hair dry . After he's dry I get him into a nappy .

" tat nu pjawmas " Charlie giggles as I get him into a pair of grey joggers ,with a penguin on one of the legs . "I know it's not, but do you want to wear some smelly pjs to bed ?" He shakes his head no .

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