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"We're on our way "

"Are you really!?"


"Okay bye"


I put my phone down and walk upstairs where Charlie is playing with his toys,I open the bedroom door to see Charlie in his playpen talking to his toys.I go over and tickle his neck making him squeal and roll on the floor with growl in his arms "Dada !" I stop tickling him , I pick him up and place him on my hip making him whine "you can play in a bit Tara and Darcy will be here soon".

"Arcy!" I shake my head and chuckle .

"Yes Darcy, can you try and pronounce the d ?"

"Nu uh" 

"Okay " at least he doesn't realise what it sounds like, I place him on his changing table "I Nu bed " I unbutton his onesie "don't worry you're not going to bed yet" he probably thinks he is because it's only half five but the clocks have gone back so it's quite dark outside.

I change his nappy and pick him something warmer "Charlie do you want to green or blue jumper?" He thinks before answering "buwe" "alright "."arah!" I carry Charlie downstairs as he's bouncing in my arms "arah!" "Calm down baby, she's getting something from the shop she'll be back soon " "I wan dada's mummy " I rub his back and place him on the couch,he gets up as soon as I put him down and crawls to the front door.

He sits there probably waiting for me to leave so I do , I spy on him through the kitchen door he's currently holding himself up against the door fiddling with the door knob "Charlie spring!" He falls on his padded bum and starts to cry.

"I wan nanny!" Oop well that was a first , I pick him up and rock him "I know baby but we don't do that you could have got hurt" he cries in my arms as I take him to the couch and grab one of his pacifiers , i sit down cradling him and holding his paci In his mouth .

Once he's calm enough I place him in his rocker (it's like a baby swing ) I turn  it and the sounds on , I go to my bedroom to sort a few things before Tara and Darcy get here.

Darcy's POV : 

I'm so excited so so SO excited!.I get to see Charlie and I get to have a sleepover with him yay." so excited!" Tara laughs "what's so funny " I pout and kick the seat in front of me "no Darcy " "fine ".

"Darcy how old are you feeling today "

"I'm four "

"Okay well I don't know what age Charlie is at the moment so he might not be able to every thing you want to do "

"Okay "I don't really care i ju want to see Charlie "how long !?" "About 10 more minutes " I sigh and look out the window thinking about what toys me and Charlie are going to play with, I brought my dragon I named him toothless even though he looks nothing like toothless "darce are you listening to me?" what she was talking i didnt even notice "huh?" " i was saying that I dont know what will happen when you both go to bed because I'm pretty sure charlie goes to bed much earlier than you"hmm maybe I can sneak Charlie out of bed to play with me.

"Same rules apply, just because we're not at home doesn't mean you can bend your rules "

"Yes" "thank you " 


Nick's POV:

I make Charlie a bottle of water and take it to him while placing him on my lap, it's so calm the only sound to be heard is Charlie suckling on his bottle it's like the calm before the storm.

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