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I grab all the clothes and underwear and put them on the conveyor belt and pay I see Charlie curl up into a ball to hide from embarrassment, I walk out to my car and carefully put Charlie down on the backseat "just give me a sec char" I say getting the clothes out the bag and setting them next to Charlie's head .

I unwrap the blanket around Charlie's waist and slid the underwear over his waist"char sit up a sec" once he does it pull of his jumper and I see him look down "hey , I'll be quick " I put the shirt then the overalls on him , I put the wet clothes in a bag and grab Charlie putting him back in the trolley.

I get a few essentials I need and things my mum asked me to get, I see Charlie's eyes fluttering which soon close as he falls asleep I decide that while he's asleep I will go to the little section and get a few things he may or may not use yet . I pick out two bottles ,one sippy cup , a grey fluffy blanket I know it's not much but I don't really know what he will want or need plus I don't know what age he's slipping into on my way out of the isle I spot the nappies and pulls ups , I know he needs them i just don't know how he will feel I need to talk to him.

I'm looking down a isle but all of a sudden I hear screaming and crying I see a little whith blonde hair and a princess dress throwing a tantrum in the middle of the isle beside us , whith their mummy trying to console them "Ava calm down!" The little girl keeps screaming and thrashing about on the floor I hear a sniffle and look over to see Charlie staring to wake up this is not going to go well.

I walk out the isle and to the home wear section wear it's quiet and calm I pick Charlie up and rock him as he cry's into my shoulder " shhh char , you're okay you're fine " his crying dies down to sniffles thank goodness , I rock him a bit more and go to pay .

Once I have paid I head towards the car with Charlie still in my arms I try and put him in the backseat since the front seat is still wet from the wipes I used to clean the seat , but as soon as I seat him down he whimpers "baby I will pick you up as soon as we get home " and here goes the waterworks , I sigh "Charlie please don't cry " I say rubbing his head "Nicky!" He says between sobs "Charlie " why didn't I buy dummies I shut the door and head to the drivers seat as soon as I open the door I hear loud sobs and screams from Charlie "Charlie i know baby " I  feel a wet patch on my shoulder and laugh to my self . 


We've been driving for a bit but Charlie's cries haven't stopped I pull up to the house and quickly grab Charlie I will grab the bags later.


"Are you alright?"

"No can you get Charlie's pacifier from under my bed?"

"Yes " 

Mum comes down with the pacifier but washes it before she gives it to me and I give it to Charlie.

"Thanks mum " I say out of breath 

"Is fine Nicky do you know what got him worked up?"

"Well he fell asleep while we were shopping but their was a little girl screaming and throwing her self on the floor which woke Charlie up startled "

"Alright do you want me to get the bags ?"

"Please "

Mum brings the bags in when I don't have Charlie in my arms I walk over to her "thanks "

"It's okay "

"Umm mum?"

She looks up at me.

"I have to meet up with Tara today , so is there any chance you could watch Charlie y-you won't have to do much he should be asleep plus he's not fully in the space"

"Of course Nicky , and don't worry "

"Thank you " I hug her and she chuckles.


"I have to leave in 10 minutes and Charlie still isn't asleep I'm currently rubbing his back to help him , I hear my door creaking as my mum pops her head through and gestures me to come so I do "nicky" Charlie mumbles "I'll be back in a second , love " . "Do you think he's going to fall asleep soon?" "Nope" "well you have to go in a minute" I nod "i just don't know what to do, I can't bring him as much as I want to " "yeah well he has to sleep " "hmm" "I have an idea , give me two seconds " she walks downstairs so I walk back to Charlie.

"Nick, can I come in?" 

"Yeah " mum walks in holding a bottle of milk "try this " she hands the bottle to me and walks out.

I sit up " hey Charlie?" He turns to me "can you try drinking this?" He whines "please Charlie, for me " he looks at me and hesitates but nods.

I put the nib up to his lips and he looks at it then back at me while he opens his mouth and starts to suck on it .

About half way through the bottle Charlie starts to nod off so I put the bottle down and quickly replace it with his paci , soon enough he's out like a light.

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