Chapter 28

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A heart that beats with boundless grace,
A soul that overflows, a love embrace.
Like a sun that shines with golden light,
Filling every corner, day and night.


Author POV

Aarthi and Ekansh left the café feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. They walked hand in hand, each step solidifying their resolve to tackle this new opportunity together.

The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the bustling city around them. They had a plan, but the next step would be the most challenging: talking to Aarthi's mother.

That evening, they sat down in Aarthi's home, strategizing their approach. Aarthi's mother, Mrs. Meena, was a traditional woman with deep-rooted values about family and marriage.

While she was supportive of Aarthi's career, her expectations for her daughter's life after marriage were clear and conventional.

"We need to be honest and patient," Ekansh said, rubbing Aarthi's back as they sat on the couch. "We'll explain why this job is important and how we plan to manage everything."

Aarthi nodded, but worry still clouded her eyes. "I know. I just hope she understands."

They waited for Mrs. Meena to come over from college. Soon Mrs. Meena arrived, her face lighting up as she saw her soon-to-be-son-in-law, but also frowned thinking Aarthi might have messed up something.

"Hi Ekansh, I didn't know you were coming home. Aarthi you didn't mention to me before? I would've come early if I knew you were coming." Meena spoke hurriedly.

"My visit is totally unplanned. Even we didn't think we would end up here." Ekansh spoke while eyeing between the mother-daughter duo.

"Okay let's eat first. Your dad might be late." Meena spoke while arranging the dining table.

As they sat down to eat, Aarthi and Ekansh exchanged nervous glances. After some small talk and a few bites, Aarthi decided it was time.

"Ma, there's something important we need to talk about," she began, trying to keep her voice steady. "I got a job offer. It's a great opportunity, but it requires joining 2 days after marriage itself; its in Bangalore only."

Mrs. Meena looked up, surprise and concern etched on her face. "Job? Its great that you've finally got an offer. But right immediately after wedding is so soon. How will this work?"

"And what will your in-laws think about you?" she asked eyeing Ekansh.

Ekansh reached for Aarthi's hand under the table, assuring her not to loose her limit.

"I know it's unexpected, but this job is a significant step forward for me. Ekansh and I have discussed it, and we believe we can make it work. We'll manage the wedding plans, and he's been incredibly supportive."

Mrs. Meena's eyes shifted to Ekansh, who nodded reassuringly. "Aunty, I fully support Aarthi in this decision. It's a fantastic opportunity, and we can handle the logistics together. We're committed to making this work without compromising our wedding or our future together."

The room was silent for a moment as Meena processed the information. Finally, she sighed, her expression softening.

"I always knew you were destined for great things, Aarthi. It's just a lot to take in. But if you both are sure you can handle this, then I will support you. Just promise me you'll take care of each other and keep the family close, no matter where you are."

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