Chapter 16

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I miss him every single day
In my heart, he'll forever stay
But I'll hold on to the memories we shared
Until the day, we're reunited and paired.


Third-person POV

Inside Gayatri and Gautham's room. They are cuddling with each other.

Gautham: [whispering] Have you noticed something different between Aarthi and Ekansh?

Gayatri: [nodding] Yes, I have.

Gautham: Do you think we should help them become a couple?

Gayatri: [excitedly jumps from Gautham's lap] Oh my goodness, yes! We should definitely help them. First, I need to meet her ASAP!

Gautham: Sure, sure. Let's go to Aarthi's place as soon as possible and make this happen.

Gayatri: [excitedly] Yes, yes, yes! We'll make it the most unforgettable moment for both of them.

Gautham: I'll book the tickets right away.

Gayatri: And I'll get in touch with Aarthi to make sure she's free, but what about Ekansh?

Gautham: You don't worry about him; I know how to handle him.

[They continue discussing their plans excitedly.]

-------Time skip-------

Aarthi POV

I opened the entrance door of my home as I entered, coming from a very tired interview, only to be welcomed by complete silence.

I opened the entrance door of my home as I entered, coming from a very tired interview, only to be welcomed by complete silence

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Two weeks have passed since Gayatri recently got married and is currently staying with her in-laws. I can't bother her as much as I would like to.

Raj and Aarya are back to their busy lives; we three talked for once after the wedding.

I'm back to my normal, silent, boring life, searching for a job. I mean, I can't stay jobless forever. Our principal, ma'am (Aarthi's mom), definitely doesn't approve that, even if I want to.

I really miss the wedding season and all the fun, 'you meant Ekansh?' My subconscious mocked me as if it knew everything. I mean, its not completely wrong. But it is also not completely right.

I had just freshened up from a long, tiring day and was all set to crash into bed when the phone began to ring.

With a slight eyeroll, I checked to see who was disturbing my peaceful descent into dreamland.

To my surprise, it was Gayatri calling. A smile crept onto my lips at the sight of Gayatri's name on the screen.

It had been weeks since I had heard anything remotely cheerful, and this unexpected call was a welcome change.

"Hey Gayatri, what's up?" Aarthi answered, trying to contain the excitement in my voice.

"Hey girl! How are you? And where have you been? Alive or not? Acha, listen, I came to your city today. Let's meet at the cafe tomorrow. I badly want us to catch up, and I could really use some girl time," Gayatri gushed on the other end.

A quick rush of warmth flooded my heart at the thought of spending time with Gayatri.

"That sounds amazing! I can't wait," I replied, feeling a surge of anticipation for the upcoming meet-up.

"Perfect," Gayatri replied.

"By the way, where's that donkey?" I spoke, not hearing anything from Gautham since she was expecting him to say something to her.

"Oh, he just went out for an office call, and its not going to finish anytime soon." Gayatri replied.

"Oh, okay, tell me if he does anything bad; I'll just come and break his face in no time." I said it in a very serious tone.

After chatting for a few more minutes, they said their goodbyes, and I finally crawled into my bed, ready to drift off to sleep.

As I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but think of Ekansh one last time before succumbing to the depths of slumber.

Ekansh POV

I opened the entrance door of my flat as I entered along with Pranav, coming from a very tired meeting, only to be welcomed by complete silence.

I opened the entrance door of my flat as I entered along with Pranav, coming from a very tired meeting, only to be welcomed by complete silence

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It's been two weeks since Gautham's wedding, and it feels like everything's back to the same old routine. Work, eat, sleep, and repeat.

[Looks around the room, lost in thought.]

I really miss the wedding season and all the fun, 'you meant Aarthi?' My subconscious mocked me as if it knew everything. This stupid never knows when to talk or not to.

But there's something different. Ever since Gautham got married, I can't shake off this feeling. Aarthi's been on my mind constantly. It's like she's always there, lingering in my thoughts.

It's weird, you know? I never used to think about anyone this much before. She was just someone I had seen at a wedding; now everything's changed. I can't even concentrate on my work without thinking about her.

Maybe it's just a phase. Leaning back on the chair, I closed my eyes to wonder if this was really a phase.

Getting up from my chair, I slumped on my bed and told myself, "Yeah, everything's back to normal."

As if😏😏 (author's smirk was never this wide.)

Ekansh dozed off, engrossed in contemplation of Aarthi.

I apologize for any errors in grammar. Please let me know if I am writing long paragraphs or pointless details when they are not needed.

None of the images are mine; I gathered them from Pinterest. The owner is credited.

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Until next time!✨✨


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