Chapter 25

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With a ring on your finger,
And a smile on my face,
We stand here together,
In this beautiful place.


Aarthi's POV

As I sit here, my heart pounding in my chest, I can't help but reflect on the whirlwind of emotions that has led me to this moment.

Tonight is the night of my engagement to Ekansh, a man I met just a month ago at our best friends' wedding.

It's funny how life works sometimes, how two strangers can be brought together by fate and find themselves on the brink of something beautiful.

Thinking back to the day we went to buy our engagement rings, I can't help but smile at the memories that flood my mind.

It was the first time we had spent alone together since that day at my house he came with his family along with the proposal, and there was a nervous energy between us that was palpable.

Yet, despite the butterflies in my stomach, there was also a sense of excitement that I couldn't ignore.

As we browsed through the jewelry store, Ekansh and I exchanged shy glances and awkward smiles, unsure of how to navigate the unspoken tension that hung between us.

But with each passing moment, I felt myself drawn to him in ways I couldn't explain.

There was a warmth in his eyes that made my heart skip a beat, a gentleness in his touch that sent shivers down my spine.

And then, as if by some unspoken agreement, we found ourselves standing side by side, trying on rings and imagining what our future together might hold.

It was in those moments that I felt a connection so deep and profound that it took my breath away.

And as Ekansh reached for my hand to slide a delicate diamond band onto my finger, I couldn't help but blush at the intimacy of the gesture.

"Looks beautiful on you," he murmured, his voice soft and tender.

I felt my cheeks flush with heat as I struggled to find the right words to respond.

"Th-thank you," I stammered, my heart racing in my chest.

But despite my nervousness, there was a sense of comfort in Ekansh's presence, a feeling of safety and warmth that made me feel more alive than I had in years.

And as we stood there, lost in our own little world, I knew that this was just the beginning of something incredible.

Following the custom, I purchased his ring and he purchased mine.

It took me an eternity to win him over from his first statement that he wanted to purchase both rings.

He suggested we go out to dinner later that evening, and I agreed because I didn't know how to turn down his adorable pouty face.

He was afraid I wouldn't accept, so I gladly did, making him smile broadly.

Unfortunately, he had to leave because he received a call for an unforeseen meeting, so he dropped me off at home and we said our goodbyes.

In the past week, I've had the chance to learn a few things about Ekansh, even though our interactions have been fleeting.

Despite the limited communication, there were moments that allowed me to catch glimpses of the person he is, and each revelation left me intrigued and drawn to him in ways I hadn't expected.

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