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Ekansh Daggubati  - 26 years old and the elder son of Ravikanth and Sukanya. He is a team leader at a software firm and will soon be pursuing his goal of becoming a project manager. He meets project goals, completes work on time, and is intelligent and task-focused. Ensures that each team member is up-to-date while backing both personal and professional support.

Aarthi Ghattamaneni - 23-year-old Srinivas and Meena's only daughter. After earning her master's degree in the US, she is currently looking for work at an IT company in India. She is intelligent, industrious, and reserved, but when she is with her friends, she is the total opposite and a hopeless romantic.

 She is intelligent, industrious, and reserved, but when she is with her friends, she is the total opposite and a hopeless romantic

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Ekansh and Aarthi together🌝🌚

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Father of Ekansh: Ravikanth Daggubati (55) - retired from his job and does some real-estate
Mother of Ekansh: Sukanya Daggubati (54) -used to work in a private bank but later became a housewife
Sister of Ekansh: Satya Daggubati (21) - finished her undergraduate studies.

Best friend of Ekansh: Pranav (26) - Ekansh and Pranav are colleagues on the same team and company. They've been buddies since childhood and now reside together in Bangalore.

Best friend of Ekansh: Gautham (26)—he works as a software employee in Hyderabad. He met Ekansh and Gautham in the tenth grade, and they have been best buddies ever since. Soon-to-be husband of Gayatri.
Other teammates of Ekansh: Rishi, Meera, and Pradeep

Father of Aarthi: Srinivas Gattamaneni (55) - works in a construction company
Mother of Aarthi: Meena Gattamaneni (50) - works as the principal of the college.

Best friend of Aarthi: Arya (24) graduated with a B.Tech, Ms together. Is employed by an American IT company.

Best friend of Aarthi: Gayatri (23) Since graduating, Gayatri has worked for a software company in Hyderabad, and she has known Aarthi since they were little. Soon-to-be wife of Roshan.

Best friend of Aarthi: Raj (23) has been a buddy since a young age and is currently pursuing a medical career.

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Take care and Toodles✨✨


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