Chapter 25: One Step Closer

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The doctor pushed an injection through his vein.

Radha was standing with a concerned face. Rehana is sitting on his bed with a sad face.

"What happened to Bhaijaan?"

Her lips are quivering.

"Don't worry Rehana, our Nawab Saab is fine.."

The doctor said with a gentle smile.

"Let him rest... it's a viral will take a few days to recover, don't let him work, he needs rest..."

The doctor gave the prescription to Radha. Sakeeb was also there. He took the prescription from Radha's hand.

"I will grab the medicines"

He walked out of the room.

Suddenly Rehana also ran out of the room.


Sakeeb turned his head and smiled.

"Can you bring some candy for Bhaijaan?"

"He has a fever..he can't eat candy"

Sakeeb said.

"But he can see the candy... Don't you know candy can make someone happy? Zayed used to give me candy everyday....before our wedding, he also sent me some candy"

"Okay I will bring candy.."

Sakeeb immediately changed the topic and left.

Rehana went back in the room.

Radha is touching Ibrahim's forehead.

"Why his fever is not getting down?"

"It will take time Radha ma.."

Tara said.

"It's weird you know...he never got fever before..Never in the last 10 years"

Radha was looking extremely concerned.
She pulled the duvet on Ibrahim and slowly came out.

"Rehana, go to your room..your Bhaijaan needs rest"

Radha said.

They all came out.

"Tara, I'm boiling some milk....ahhh...."

Radha held her head and sat on the sofa.

"What happened Radha ma?"

Tara immediately held her side.

"My head is spinning...I skipped my blood pressure medicine today"

Tara immediately helped her to reach her room. She gave her the medicine.

"You need rest Radha ma... I'm sending Rehana..she will stay with you"

Tara's tone is bit strict.

"But Ibbu...."

"I will look after him"

Tara said while pulling the curtains of the room. Radha kept on staring at Tara. She has so many questions in her mind. The way Saba behaved with Tara was really shocking.

"Is it a forced marriage?"

Tara immediately stopped after hearing her question. Radha noticed her pale face.


She said with a faint smile. She doesn't want to give her any shock right now.

Radha smiled slightly.

"Take rest Radha ma.."

Tara came out of her room. She straightly walked inside the kitchen. She started to boil the milk.

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