Chapter 21

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"You know, a person would think you actually missed me." He says into the crook of my neck.

I smile, go down and smack his chest, "Thanks for letting me know you're alive."

He smiles and shrugs, "I had to lay low for a while."

"You could've shot me a text or something."

I take a step back, noticing his dyed hair. His hair was a light brown now with blonde strands and he was in formal pants, shit and loosened tie.

He looked like he was coming from a business meeting, it was an odd look on him.

"Okay, I'm going to need an explanation of this..." I say motioning to him with my hand in circles.

He laughs, "had to change my identity, needed the change."

"And the suit?" I mock.

He rolls his eyes, "you're one to talk in that.. dress.." he points to the black garment with dramatic repulsion.

I hit him on the chest again, " I missed you, you asshole." I let out angrily.

" I missed you too Rori, and I never got to thank you for taking a bullet for me."

"As long as you're alive kid, that's all that matters." I smile.

We walk to the steps leading up to what was once my apartment, and sit on them , "So tell me, what have you been up to."

"I moved to Seattle actually, I work as a waiter at some fancy restaurant where the uniforms are well.."

"Fancy" I finish for him, holding back a laugh, "You just need a jacket to finish this whole lawyer look off."

He rolls his eyes, "I got on the first plane here and it was right after my shift. I didn't have time to change."

"You flew here? Again, Fancy" I mock

That earns me another eye roll, "the tips are worth me looking like a cast of 'suits'"

I raise a brow, "don't tell me you still haven't watched Suits Rori!" He shouts in a reprimanding tone.

I roll my eyes, "is this why you came here? To bug me about a tv show"

He scoffs, "it's thee tv show. Promise we'll watch it together when this all blows over."

I roll my eyes at his raised pinky, "fine." I pinky swear with him.

"Good! Now, I came here to warn you." His face turns serious.

"Warn me?" I question.

"Yes, Ricc wasn't trying to have me killed because I gave away a couple of free drinks. He tried framing me for money he stole-"

"From the Doń" I finish for him.

"Yes, but that's not it."

"Well then what is it?"

He hesitates to go on, "I need you to be strong for this, it's about your parents."

My breath hitches at the mention of them, " what do my parents have to do with this?" I breathe out.

He cups my face in his hands and brings it closer so he can plant a kiss on my forehead, "promise to stay calm until I finish?" He whispers.

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