Chapter 5- Aurora

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A/N A picture of Lorenzo's house above.

I managed to change the bandage on my shoulder after the other one bled through thanks to that evil bastard. I hate him so much. I haven't felt anything in years and the first emotion that creeps its way into me is pure hate. So much hate that the thought of playing double agent does cross my mind. Just to see the bastard sweat.

But I am smarter than that, and if I'm gonna be on anybody's side in this fight? It'll have to be the winning team, even if I hate the winners guts.

How did I even become part of this fight?

I took my shirt off and I'm in nothing other than my sports bra and sweatpants. I don't even want to know who changed my clothes. The bandage on my stomach seems to be fine, but the grumbling sound that comes from inside isn't fine. I'm hungry.

I creep into the dark hallway. The house seems pretty big, even in the dark, I roam around, still in pain from the bullet hole in my stomach. I huff at the fact that he didn't even bother telling me if I damaged anything important. No, he just couldn't wait to rope me into his stupid schemes.

I finally find the kitchen and find the light switch. Black cupboards with black and white marble countertops stare back at me. At least he's got style , I'll give him that. I rush forward as soon as I spot the fridge, ready to rummage through it. I find leftover lasagna and I thank the sweet heavens I don't have to actually make anything. I dish up putting it in the microwave to warm it up.

I lean over the counter laying my head on it as a groan of pain escapes my lips, "and who are you?" An icy voice echoes.

I heard the footsteps coming, I just didn't care enough to check who it was. I'd silently hoped they'd ignore me, but seems like my luck ran out already.

I look up at the beautiful slim woman looking at me. Long black straight hair with tan skin, making her blue eyes stick out more, "hi." I muster. Still leaning over the counter.

"I asked who you were." I roll my eyes. Great, another bitch. I sigh, not having the strength for this interaction. Maybe if I ignore her she'll go away.

The microwave beeps and I straighten up ready to get my food and leave. She stops me in my tracks by the door with my plate of food. "Lei parla inglese stupida?" (Do you speak English stupid?)

If I wasn't so hungry, this hot plate would be on her face right now, "name's Rori. I.... work here."
That's the only way I could actually describe whatever the hell this was.

She smiles, "oh good. I thought you were here for my Lorenzo, but aren't you dressed a little inappropriately for a maid."

"I'm not a maid", I look her up and down for the first time. Seeing her outfit. She's in nothing but a designer coat and designer heels, I already know what's under that coat though, "and I don't think you're one to advise anybody on appropriate dressing." I smile.

She huffs, "you know I could have you fired? Lorenzo's my man and he wouldn't stand for this."

I roll my eyes, "If you're gonna get me fired then go ahead and do it. And if there's nothing else, I'll be on my way thank you." I brush past her and head to the room.

Typical. He's a tyrant so obviously the women he sleeps with are just like him.

I finished that lasagna in less than 10 minutes. It was so good, I'd kill for the recipe. I bet his chef made it. Gotta get the recipe. I passed out, to thoughts of the lasagna. I could marry that lasagna if I could.

I wake up in the same hospital like room, my eyes scan my surroundings slowly then fall on the hands prodding tubes into my arm, "Yhe boss did mention you were a slippery one, but miss Gomez, I do suggest for full recovery you refrain from avoiding treatment"

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