Chapter 11

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, I can feel the smirk on his lips, "You want me to touch you again?"

my breathing halts, but I nod again, reluctantly this time. "I need you to say it Aurora."

"Touch me" I breathe out, "please."

I feel the smirk on his lips when he places a soft kiss on my neck below my ear, "Goodnight Aurora" He whispers before stepping back and pushing me to the side so he can walk out.

i'm frozen in place, from all the heat I feel. heat from the throbbing in my core and the anger rising to the surface. Did he just leave me hanging? I groan.


I do the only thing i can think of doing in this situation, which is  getting on my bed and pleasing myself with my own fingers. It may not be as amazing as it was with Lorenzo's fingers, but picturing him while I did it at least got me further than I ever have on my own.

I hate the fact that I need him to feel good, I hate that it had to be him to pleasure me for the first time.

After finally coming undone, I spent another hour going over my notes, putting on my headphones, knowing that Lucifer may have been with Santana and she'd soon be making noise.


Lucifer wasn't at breakfast today, thankfully. I don't think I was ready to face the embarrassment of me practically begging him to pleasure me.

I enjoyed my breakfast and tried running away from Cameron, but that was a failed attempt as he practicaly carried me to the car and locked me in. The prisoner can't go anywhere without her prison guards huh?

He's such a closed off and quiet guy. I tried getting some conversation from him, but i failed again.

school was okay i guess, but i was more excited about finally having my iced coffee at the café. I really needed it. Iced coffee was my drug, my addiction and it definitely made me feel good. Maybe i need to start attending  CAA? coffee addicts anonymous?

"I may have a surprise for you" Molly speaks up interrupting my thoughts about my coffee

"What surprise?" i look up to meet her very sneaky eyes.

"Okay well it may be a good surprise or a bad surprise, depends on how you'll feel about it."

i let out a heavy sigh and fold my arms, "You're trying to set me up again, aren't you?"

She smiles guiltily, and shrugs, "Sorry, he didn't leave me much of a choice." she says standing up.

i narrow my eyes and turn with her as she walks past me to see Jake coming through the door. My face relaxes and a smile creeps its way up onto my face. She stops and looks between the two of us and smiles, "Actually, I think i should be saying 'you're welcome instead."

With her smoothie in hand she walks out after momentarily greeting Jake and he takes a seat in front of me, "Hey." he smiles.

"Hey." i can't help, but smile back.

"You're probably going to think i'm stalking you, but Molly told me i would have a better chance at talking to you if it was face to face and not over the phone."

"Well she didn't lie. i'm probably the worst texter there is out there."

"Then i'm glad i did this" he smiles, "This isn't our first date by the way, you deserve more than this."

i raise a brow and bite back a smile, "First date?"

"Oh shoot, i need to ask you to that first. Okay i haven't done this in a while, so i'm terrible at this. "

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