Chapter 7- Aurora

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"Open this damn door before I break it down Aurora!" the man on the other side of it pounds. I roll my eyes at his lame threats.

Smiling at the thought of what made him angry, I set my notepad and pen aside, closing the book I was writing notes from. Not knowing if he might slap me, I remove my reading glasses and set them on table.

After he threw me into the pool, I had to change my bandages and with Maria's help, the process went a lot faster. I then waited for the devil to head out and went straight into his office.

To say I turned the place upside down, would be an understatement.

By the time I left it, chairs had fallen to the side, papers thrown all around from his desk to the floor, books taken off shelves and tossed to the other ends. I even went as far as spilling coke all over his desk, which i'm pretty sure he found sticky by the time he came back into his office. Was it childish? maybe. Over the line? probably. Satisfying? definitely.

With the most innocent smile plastered on my face I go to open the door, "Yes Luci?" I say innocently.

He pushes past me storming into my room. I close the door and turn to see his fuming face. He's pretty tan, but you could see the rage of red on his face and nostrils flaring. He stands there fists clenched, throwing me a death glare, probably debating on what ways he can kill me.

I tilt my head to the side, fold my arms and smirk, "What's wrong Luci? You look a bit shaken up?" I say softly. He closes his eyes at an attempt to calm down and breathes, "You better go clean that up." he says in a low deadly tone, which would probably scare any normal person. But i'm not normal even in the slightest, so I don't even flinch.

"No." I smile.

"You are testing my patience little girl." He deadpans.

I roll my eyes, moving closer to him in a challenging way, "And i've already reached my limits with you, so clearly we're not even." I spit.

He takes steps closer to me and now he hovers over me, his arm lifts to squeeze to where the graze on my shoulder rests. My jaw tightens fighting back a his and moan from pain as we continue to stare into each other's eyes.

"Do you know how stupid you have to be to make me mad? You better pray that you didn't ruin any important files."

through gritted teeth, suppressing the pain, I manage to spit, "I hope I did."

he rears my back into the door and hovers so close to me , bending his faces so that our faces are now so close, I can feel his breath on me. My stomach feels something strange, unfamiliar, so unfamiliar my breath catches.

"This how you get all those men to spend money on your ass? By being a brat and so defiant when you fuck them? Do those pussies enjoy submitting to you?" he whispers.

"Those pussies wish that they could fuck me." I say. a hint of surprise passes through his eyes, then it quickly shifts back to realization, "No wonder you're such a pain in the ass. Riccardo's dick must not be enough for that little smart mouth of yours?"

I let out a laugh, "As if you could do any better." He moves so closer to me that his chest is now against my boobs and our noses touch, "Don't tempt me bambina , you don't wanna go down that road with me." (Baby)

my breathing grows louder with a mixture of anger and something else, something i've never felt before, something that makes me want to see how far this devil can go. But my anger being the strongest of the two..

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