Chapter 12

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Walking into the house, heels in hand, tired from how uncomfortable they were , i hear noise coming from the kitchen. I should probably ignore it and just go to my room to study, but my curiosity got the better of me.

Lorenzo stands there, hair messy, short sleeved t shirt clinging to his body, revealing not only his muscular arms, but a tattoo, that starts from upper arm going up his biceps and disappearing under the black material.

He doesnt even notice me, too focused on grating the cheese in front of him.

He looks so different out of his suit, more human. His black sweatpants do nothing to hide what's beneath them and my face flushes at the thought of how big he is.

I clear my throat and walk in to take a seat opposite where he's working, "What're you doing?"

"What does it look like i'm doing?" He says through gritted teeth.

I sigh, i've honestly had enough with this bickering. The man really can't stand me and i'm tired of being where i'm not wanted. Ric really needs to come back to work.

he looks up finally seeing me and narrows his eyebrows, "Where are you going?"

"Where does it look like i'm going?" I ask in the sincerest, sweetest voice i can muster with a fake smile plastered on my face.

he rolls his eyes and i look around the kitchen, trying to get a peek of what he's cooking, he sighs, "Lasagna. I'm making lasagna"

I tilt my head, "You cook?" he only nods to my question, "then why do you have a chef?"

he sighs again, he really hates being asked questions, "I'm a busy man Aurora. I don't have time to cook."

"Then why didn't you ask the chef to make you lasagna?" I question.

"Because she's not really the best at italian dishes, plus it was Alessio's favorite." He says the last part with a smile that quickly disappears as he realises he said it out loud.

I narrow my brows at him, "Alessio?" I ask.

He ignores my question and continues working. After moments of silence i decide to answer his question, "I was on a date."

he stops working and looks up at me, no emotion apparant on his face, "Have fun?"

A smile creeps up on my face at the thought of Jake, "Yeah, yeah i did." He nods and goes back to his cooking. I just watch him work in silence.

He wasn't kicking me out, but why wasn't i leaving either? It's as if gravity was keeping me pinned to the chair. I was enjoying it, just watching him cook. His face calm, and focused instead of angry,, his muscles relaxed instead of tense.

It was a rare, yet pleasant sight, "shit" he whispered bringing me back from my thoughts. He cut his hand, "Hang on, I'll go get the first aid kit in my room."

Without waiting for his response i ran up to my room to get it and was back within a minute. He had a towel wrapped around the hand and i rolled my eyes at his carelesness.

I take his hand in mine and start cleaning the cut. It wasn't too deep, but it was long. He doesnt say anything while I work, but i can feel his eyes the entire time. I needed to rid the room of the sudden tension or i was going to combust.

"You know, poeople who know how to cook usually know how to use a kife." I say, attempting to get some sort of reaction from him other than his blank stares.

"What happened to your parents?" He asks softly, the questiong catches me off guard and i clear my throat, "You read my file, didn't you?"

"What happened to your parents Aurora?" He asks again, and i can smell the whiskey on his breath , "You're drunk, aren't you?"

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