Chapter 4 - Lorenzo

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A/N the above picture is how I envision Aurora's body to look.

Looking at the woman lying peacefully on the bed, She looks so beautifully peaceful. You'd swear she wasn't the same bitch acting stupid enough to talk back to me.

Aurora. Even her name is beautiful. Nothing like the excuse of a woman who jumped in front of a bullet just two nights ago. Matteo, my right hand was able to find out all I needed to know about her.

Aurora Gomez, daughter of Felix and Celeste Gomez. The surname sounds oddly familiar, but I brushed it off knowing there's no Gomez in my cartel. Not one important enough I'd bother remembering anyway.

They died when she was 18, lives with a friend, not sure who yet, I don't really care either. But she is in law school. So the girl is smart, which rules out my suspicions of her being plain stupid.

The dr only found alcohol in her blood results, but I knew that from her breath fanning me while she was throwing her little tantrum. I think back to that night, and damn I wanted to ring her neck. No woman, let alone some slut has ever spoken to me so boldly. Yes, women tend to throw themselves at me, but never in a reproaching manner. It's always lust filled, they fear me too much to try anything else.

Actually, nobody has talked back to me like that in years. Not even other Made men. They know how ruthless I can be, and I'm not a man of many warnings. A bullet through the head is my form of communication.

So the girl clearly isn't stupid, being one of the highest in her class, nor is she a drug addict who's wasted their life away. She didn't have a death wish either, seeing she tried to run away at an attempt to save herself. So what was it? What was it that made her take a bullet for a man she was so ignorant towards, she didn't even realise just how much he liked her.

I know she's fucking Riccardo, and I don't know how many other men there are, but I know it's not Nike or whatever his name is.

She is brave though and that's what I'm in need of. Her fucking Riccardo is just a bonus to me, so I need the bitch to wake up.

Matteo walks into the room, "Still nothing?" He asks. I shake my head, and he sighs looking at her in return.

"You really think she can do this?" He asks, I turn to him, "She doesn't have a choice. Her life depends on it." I say that with one last look at her.

He tells me about a shipment problem we have and we both leave to go sort it out. I come back later that night, my white shirt covered in drops of blood. Just fucking great. He just had to be standing so close when I shot his brains out. I'm about to head upstairs to my room, but something tells me to look into the little devils room.

To my surprise she's not in her bed when I walk in. Something hits me as a loud bang sounds in the room. I barely flinch at the contact. I turn to find her already attempting to run out as I step over the broken lamp to pin her against the door , twisting her hand that was on the knob to her back, "Is that how you thank me for saving you?" I spit against her ear.

"Considering you're the reason why I almost died, I'd say you deserved more than that." She spits back. I use my other thumb to pierce into the graze in her shoulder. She bites back her scream, but she winces loud enough for me to hear her, "I'd play nice if I were you, mio caro" (my dear)

She stops sruggling as her pain becomes too much for her to visibly bear. I pull her by the hair with my other hand, while the other is still pinning her arms behind her back. I pull her by the hair, shoving her back into the bed, she just sits holding her wounds, "good"

I slip off my jacket throwing it on the chair before sitting down, exhausted from the day. I shut my eyes almost forgetting she's even there and enjoy the silence for a minute. When I finally look up at her, find her back facing me, as she looks out the window, "what do you want?" She questions.

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