Chapter 10

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Who does Lorenzo even think he is? He finger fucks me once and thinks im going to say, "oh yes I want more"?

you do want more. The voice in my head chimes in. I hate it sometimes.

I walk back to the garden to look for Molly because I really need to leave this place now. Why was he even here? ugh. His presence really riles me up. I'd take the boredom I was feeling about an hour ago over this.

I find her standing with the same two girls from earlier on, "He gets hotter with each passing year." I hear one of them say. I roll my eyes already knowing who they're talking about.

Lorenzo was inarguably the most good looking man at this event, in fact I bet he's the most good looking guy at most events. No wonder he's so fucking cocky.

"Molly, I need to go."  The third girl gasps noticing me next to her, "Rori! Not before you tell us how you know Mr Romano." She beams.

I look to her, narrowing my brows, "I work for him." I simply state.

"Really? do you work at the docks or the hotels?"

I look at her confused, "The wha-"

"She works at the hotel. duh" Molly cuts me off. I look at her confused and she gives me the play along look. I just nod to the girls still trying to understand what they're talking about.

"I bet you've already had sex with him as hot as you are, is he as good as they say he is in bed?" The girl continues badgering me with questions.

"uhm, I wouldn't really know, but I bet you could find out."

the other girls laugh and she mumbles, "I wish" under her breath.

"We've all tried our luck, he barely notices we exist, but Molly definitely hasn't given up." The other girl adds and I look to a blushing Molly. "I don't know, I think he's got his eyes pretty glued to someone else." Molly says, looking behind me.

I follow her gaze and see the devil looking right at us, me to be exact while he talks to the governer's wife. If looks could kill, I would be six feet under now. I roll my eyes and remind Molly I need to get to work. Forgetting about the conversation completely.

The drive to work was anything but silent. She throws so many questions my way, I swear her head was going to explode with all that curiosity. I answer each one as best I could, I mean I didn't know Lorenzo, so there wasn't much I could tell her.

She tells me how he's supposed to be this powerful business man, who owns tons of shipping companies and hotels all over the world. His family is one of the richest and most powerful families there are out there, then she swears at herself for not having figured out that they're the Italian mafia.

It finally makes sense to her as to why such a powerful man would know her dad. Considering her dads previous ties to the mafia too

She explains how  all those politcians and business people were actually there because they knew he would. It's how her father got to know them, through him. Anywhere he goes, power goes.

I sit back in my seat actually trying to grasp the amount of power this man actually has. What happens if I can't get him what he wants? He's probably going to make everyone I know suffer before killing me. I clearly need to start working on this and stay as far away from him as possible

I made a few bucks today. We were actually quite busy for a Thursday, but I won't even lie, I wish I could just go back to dancing already. I could be making so much more on stage.

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