Chapter 15

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Cameron was outside within 15 minutes after I  him. I couldn't stand being anywhere near them for any second longer.

I shot Molly a quick text and waited outside for Cam.

By the time he'd come, two men had come up to me and neither of them were him.

I was completely drained from all these emotions. I was angry at the fact that I slept with Lucifer and allowed myself to be just another conquest of his. I thought I respected myself more than that.

I was hurt that he told Santana I was just some whore that worked at his club. Is that all he saw me as?.

I was even more confused as to why I even cared.

"Sorry I took long miss, I thought you'd be driving home with Mr Romano." Cameron says a few minutes into our drive.

I sigh at the mention of his name, "You mean Molly?"


"You mean you thought I'd be driving home with Molly. That is who I came with."

"No, Mr Romano. He asked me where you were when I came back without you and when I told him he went up to change. I assumed he was coming to get you, especially considering he hates these social events."

I scoff, "Well, I guess Santana was convincing enough."

That had to be the only reason he'd come. With everything he thinks of me, I'm definitely not worth him coming all the way to that event for. Cameron as the man of few words that he is, had no response after that.

The rest of the car ride was silent.

As soon as we got to the house I headed for the liquor cabinet in the kitchen. I took out a bottle of vodka and sat on the countertop.

I took off my heels and just dangled my legs taking huge slurps.

I opened up my phone to stare at the wallpaper.

My parents' wedding photo.

My dad was looking at my mom like she was the only woman who existed. Like she was the answer to everything.

I remember that's how he treated her too. She was his queen and I was their princess.

And now? I'm just somebody's whore.

Fuck. Aurora get a grip. So another man sees you as a whore. Another man sees you as a sex object. So fucking what?

Although, I can't help but wonder how my life would've turned out if they were still here.

I probably would've still studied law of course, but I would've had the chance to get the whole college experience.

Get drunk at frat parties and sleep with a bunch of college guys.

Or maybe I would've met him under different circumstances? My dad was the second hand to the don of the Spanish mafia, surely he'd have respected me more? See me as something other than...

I mean it's not as powerful a mafia as his, but it's big.

Speaking of which, I wonder why none of them ever reached out. Family is a big thing in the mafia. Anyone who works for you is one of you, your family, but none of them ever reached out. They didn't even attend the funerals. They just...vanished.

Everyone leaves. Nobody's permanent. Nobody stays.

My subconscious reminds me and I can't help but take another gulp.

I'd hoped that if I got drunk maybe I'd be able to release this huge lump in my throat and the more I think about my parents, the more it just grows, with no tears in sight.

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