Chapter 1 - Aurora

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A/N Above is the picture of Lace, the strip club Aurora works at.

The mirror. God I hate it. I hate having to look into those dead eyes that feel so foreign, void of any emotion. Any feeling. I hate having to look down at my body, the body that feels like it doesn't belong to me anymore. This body, which most girls work their asses off in the gym trying to get, glistening in glitter and nothing but small fragments of glossy fabric covering just my nipples and cunt. I hate looking at my reflection in the mirror because it stopped feeling like me a long time ago.

"Viper, you're on in 5!" I hear the noise in the background. With one deep breath in and out, I finish off the little touches to my makeup. I put on these god awful painful heels and made my way to the floor.

"Gentlemen... the show you've all been waiting for, please welcome Viper onto the stage as she sinks her perky fangs into all of us!" I roll my eyes at the stupid remark regarding my tits as fangs, plaster my fake smile and head on to do my routine, having mentally checked out from where I was.

Unlike most of the girls I work with here, I zone out and go into my head during performances, instead of snorting lines of cocaine to the point of no return. I think about how good life used to be. How I went from being the smartest girl in high school, graduating valedictorian, to dancing on poles for all these fucking perverts who are probably married with kids, maybe even daughters my age.

I've been a stripper for the past two years. It's the only way I can pay for law school. 'One More Year', I keep reminding myself with each grope some pervert tries to steal as they slide bills into this thin excuse of a g string. I'm one of the highest of my class, but I know even when I do graduate, I can't just get out of this life for good. It won't be easy , especially considering him...

Like my thoughts called out to him, he stands by the bar eyeing me like his property, probably waiting for me to finish so he could come in me. The thought alone makes me shiver and it takes a deep breath to focus on my routine again.

Think happy thoughts Rori, happy thoughts

I huff at my ridiculousness.. happy thoughts? The word itself seems so foreign, like a far a way instinct.

Fine, just think about anything, but him inside of you.

I force my mind to think about the concepts I have to cover for tomorrow's test. I go over all the stuff i spent studying and going through during the day and that sure helped me get through this performance. I know for a fact it'll help me get through what's to come next.

I walked straight to his office after counting all the money I made, stashing it in my bag with my changing clothes. He sits there in this dimly lit room with a cigarette in his mouth, a smirk touching his lips as he looks up to see me.

"You were amazing as always mi amore" . I roll my eyes at his term of endearment. (My love)
"Let's just do this Ric" I say dryly.

He gets up from behind his desk, throwing his cigarette on the floor stomping it, I huff. He couldn't even bother to get an ashtray. Why would he when he has little helpers to pick up after him, "fine, bend over." He spits unbuckling his pants, "we've been doing this for years now, at what point will you allow me into that cold heart of yours?" He adds softly.

I huff dropping my bag on one couch and dropping on all for on the couch opposite waiting for him, "You can use my body all you want, but my heart isn't up for grabs Ric. Ever." I state dryly again. Pretty bold of him to think I'd actually fall for him when he uses me whenever he feels the need to cum. He slowly wraps the condom onto his cock, like that's supposed to turn me on, I internally roll my eyes.

2 minutes. Just 2 minutes is all I have to take of him inside of me and he'll be done

He cuts my internal battle off, "You forget how many girls would kill to be in this position. How grateful they'd be. How happy they'd be to even be looked at by me"

Now I actually do roll my eyes. Does he think I don't know about all the other girls he fucks? Yes he treats me better than most, but that was the whole point of our arrangement. I don't have to fuck any of the customers, in exchange I fuck him. As to what point he decided to blur the lines and fall in love with me, is beyond me. I wouldn't even call it love. He doesn't even know my real name.

He thrusts in me and just like clockwork, 2 minutes later, he's done. I let out heavy breaths here and there, just to keep his ego satisfied enough so as to not throw me into the lions den.

As soon as he's done, I change into my sweats and hoodie he watches me while I change, silence filling the room. Silence I'm grateful for.
"Out of all these sluts I fuck, your pussy is the greater mi amore". I blankly stare back as I wait to be dismissed so I can get in the shower and go over my notes, but of course, the world hates me, "We have a meeting , the other girls should be in her in a few, you could suck my cock while wait." I muster up a fake smile, "Let's save that for tomorrow, you tired me out back there"

He smiles, proud of the shit show he just pulled back there. Soon after the other girls file in and some fill the seats on the couch while others stand. I stand at the far corner because these girls already hate me enough, one would probably try to cut off my curls and I'm not in the mood to stab one of them again.

"Ladies, the Don is coming into town" whispers fill the room, faces of fear and lust all in one on all their faces. Mine remains blank.

I've never met the guy, only the girls that go to his private parties when he's in town know what he looks like. The little I know about him is that he's s quite young to be a don, took over from his dad when he died, but he's apparently more scary and ruthless than his dad ever was. He's based in New York mostly, but comes into town occasionally for business throughout the year and when he does he hosts these extravagant parties that always require the entire club of girls. The club is usually closed on the days he requires girls because there's never anybody to dance.

Because of my deal with Ricardo, I don't have to go because these nights always end with the men there hooking up with one or two girls. The last thing he'd ever want. Beyond our deal, he pretty much enjoys the idea of being the only man to touch me. I roll my eyes at the thought. I'm about to zone out, knowing I'm clearly not part of this meeting until he says the next words, "... instead of going to his mansion to dance ladies, he'll be coming here instead. And he's asked for the best of the best at the VVIP"

I internally groan because now I have to toss aside my plan of sleeping in knowing I'll have to be here. But also glad I know for a fact I won't be in that VVIP, if Ric has anything to say about it.

"I need you all to be on your A game ladies. I've already spoken to the waitresses and barmen, this is important. He hasn't come to this club personally in years, so whatever shot you guys get high on better not fuck this up!! Don't speak to him or any of his guests unless spoken to and don't even look at him. Keep your pussies in your panties until you're told otherwise understood?!"

All the girls nod their heads, but I know damn well they won't miss the opportunity to throw their pussies at the don. Although I've never actually heard one of them say they'd had the honour. I let my mind wander for the rest of the meeting and I catch a few words here and there, and how the girls fight to be one of the VVIP's. It's crazy how if this was any other big client they'd shy away from it, and the fact that the Don is their boss, it should scare them even more. I know I'd be scared if I had any emotions to begin with. Those does a long time ago

After he finally chooses who will work the VVIP, I finally get to go home, just to be back here again.

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think and don't forget to vote for the next chapter. <3

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