Chapter 16

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The first thing I do when I get to the house is head straight for the kitchen.

I needed another drink.

I left the club in complete disarray. My heart was sitting in my throat, my hands were shaking, fuck, they still are.

Why the fuck did Riccardo have my mother's necklace? Did he know her?


My dad was part of the Spanish mafia, but as far as I knew, the two mafias always seemed separate.

Everybody minded their own business and there was never any war between theirs and the Spanish.

That's why I even worked at Lucifer's club, because there was no way of anyone knowing who I was. Not like anyone in the Spanish mafia would know me either.

My dad made sure to keep both my mom and I out of the mafia business, so why did Ric have my mom's necklace?

The questions kept pounding at me and I couldn't help but have another drink or two while at his office. I left as soon as it seemed like he was coming back to his senses.

The thought of leaving the biggest piece of my mom behind tore at me, but I didn't have much of a choice. Ric couldn't figure out what I was doing.

According to Lucifer, the drug would only knock him out for 2 hours, more like 3.

I pour myself another drink and start pacing the room.

I don't know what or how to feel, all I know is that I need to find out why he had it.

"You okay?" Lucifer asks, leaning against the door frame, hands folded and raising a brow.

I stop pacing and look at him, "yes." I exhale.

"Hmm, if you say so." He moves towards the fridge, I don't see what he does because he's behind me as I lean my hands on the counter trying to find balance and calm my breathing.

"How was work?" He asks.

Work... Ric... the bank statements... if I tell Lucifer about them and show him the evidence he'll kill Ric for sure, but I need to know why he had the necklace.

So, I lie.

"It was fine.. look, I know I should be getting you the evidence, but-". I turn around to face his direction, but he's already in front of me, dangerously close, "I couldn't today"

He takes a sip of his water, "why not?" His tone even , like he couldn't care less that I didn't get him the evidence.

"Ric was very busy, he was held up on some business call all night."

Lorenzo raises a brow, but doesn't argue. I think he believes me. Maybe.

I try to change the subject, "Hey Uhm, how well do you know the other mafia's?"

His brows furrow, he places his glass on the counter next to me, but doesn't move his hand.

He places his other hand on the other side and has now closed me in and I have nowhere to move.

"Why?" He whispers.

I shrug, "I thought I heard someone speaking Spanish at the club, he looked dodgy, just curious.."

I lie again.

I'm not sure if he believes my lies or not because his eyes are too focused on my lips.

He inches closer and I place my hand on his chest, trying to put some space between us, " Lorenzo, answer the question."

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