I know

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Phoenix was in for the worst.

Everything he had worked for was at stake all because of that man... His own client.

During another one of his investigations with his client Phoenix had began questioning everything as usual. He continued to ask his questions whilst his client sat there fidgeting, uncomfortable and anxious. It didn't take long for him to crack and that was when Phoenix felt his stability crashing down.

How could he defend someone guilty? His morals didn't allow him. It constricted his breaths just thinking about doing so.

It enraged him listening to his client talk, his snobbish remarks, talking about how Phoenix couldn't do anything. Maya was still being held hostage and it was just the thing his client needed to wrap Phoenix around his finger.

When he was about to leave the detention centre Phoenix felt as though he would throw up. His body felt weak and his legs trembled as though they were just about to collapse. Phoenix stumbled to the door and to his surprise saw Edgeworth standing there. A worried look engulfing his face. Phoenix already had an idea on why.

"You've finally found the starting line to this case..."

Phoenix looked at Edgeworth who was awkwardly shuffling side to side, his gaze directed away.

"You know?"

"I had a slight idea but wasn't too sure."

They stood awkwardly before Edgeworth began to talk again.

"I find this place quite uncomfortable, would it not be better if we went to the precinct?"

Phoenix nodded and joined Edgeworth in his car to drive to the precinct. They both sat in silence whilst Pearl stared out of the window in the back. Phoenix's mind was all over the place both going back and forth on what to do with Maya's situation and on how to stop blushing whenever Edgeworth helped him. His dilemma carried on up until Pearl asked a very interesting which caused them both to go into a panic.

"Mr Nick... Mr Edgeworth... Do you both like each other?"

Edgeworth gasped whilst Phoenix turned his head slowly around, mouth wide open. He tried to hide off his embarrassment by laughing her question off.

"Pearl. Why would you think that?"

In this moment the only thing Phoenix could think of was how both Maya and Pearl just threw their question onto people. It created a huge amount shock for everyone.

"Well umm you two just seemed to really be happy around each other...Most of the time."


During this entire ordeal Edgeworth had gone as red as his jacket. He had tried to keep as silent as possible and kept his eyes locked onto the road while Phoenix was panicking on what to say. After listening to Phoenix fumble through an explanation he decided to chime in, to at least save himself some dignity.

"Ms Fey, me and Mr Wright are just extremely close friends. It might seem like we 'like' each other but we just enjoy being in company with one another."

Phoenix looked back at Edgeworth with a thankful smile on his face, he turned to Pearl and reassured the statement multiple times before releasing a heavy sigh. 

Phoenix was about to begin talking to Edgeworth again but realised that they had arrived to their destination. He quickly stepped out of the car and helped Pearl out too, Edgeworth had already rushed ahead of them and was standing in the doorway of the entrance.

"Are you ready Wright?"

Phoenix nodded and followed Edgeworth inside with Pearl holding his hand trailing right behind them. They reached Gumshoe's desk which still had a few papers that he forgot to pick up on it. Phoenix took a heavy sigh and collapsed into the chair.

A simple story [Wrightworth/ Narumitsu]Where stories live. Discover now