Tears of an angel

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Phoenix recoiled. He pulled Miles back and stared into his eyes.

"Miles... Why are you crying?" Phoenix wiped away the tears.

Miles tried to regain his composure, slowly moving away from Phoenix, Phoenix didn't let him and pulled Miles closer.

"Miles, please tell me, did I do something wrong? You know I would never want to do anything to hurt you."

"I know, I know. I-I'm just not used to having someone be so close to me." Miles stared up at Phoenix, they both gazed into each others eyes looking at every detail, every line and reflection.

"Phoenix" Phoenix's eyes widened, Miles was calling him by his first name!

"Phoenix, I really like having someone here to hold me when I am feeling unstable. I haven't had someone to support me like this in a long time. I- I think the reason why I started crying was because of that..."

Phoenix hugged Miles even tighter, he could feel every breath on his chest, the way Miles placed his head so lightly on Phoenix's shoulder made him feel all giddy inside. Miles continued to speak...

"I guess I need help expressing my feelings... Or more so, confronting them. I just bottle them up until something like this happens and I lose all control."

"Miles... I am always here for you. No matter what you are going through, no matter how much pain you feel and you can't tell me, I am always here for you. You don't need to tell me if you're that uncomfortable but I'll always be by your side anyways."

Miles stayed quiet, Phoenix figured he wasn't going to get an answer out of him today.

"Thanks..." Miles sat upright and laid his head on Phoenix's shoulder whilst they both stared at the moon.

"It looks so beautiful tonight... Just like you..." Phoenix hadn't meant for that last part to come out.

Miles turned around and looked at him, his face a flush red, slowly he started chuckling.

"Yeah... Just like you..."

Phoenix's face burned, he had terrible butterflies in his stomach and he felt like he was going to burst. He still felt too nervous to be able to speak.

"I-I'm so glad to have a... friend like you Miles."

"Hehe... Yeah, me too."

Right after he said it, Phoenix began beating himself up over it. 'Great Phoenix... Now what if he thinks we can never be anything more!' The panic started to set in and Phoenix found himself sweating profusely. 

"Wright... Sorry, I meant Phoenix..." Miles flashed a smirk towards Phoenix.

All of Phoenix's panic subsided now he was more concentrated on Miles, he could deal with his feelings later, right now he needed to be there for Miles and live in the moment.

"Comfortable with Phoenix now?" Phoenix remarked matching Miles' same smirk. "I guess we  are finally close enough now right?"

Miles immediately chuckled "Forgive me when I say, don't you mean Wright?"

"Aha copying Maya are we now?" Phoenix nudged Miles slightly causing Miles to push him even harder. They both found themselves lying on the floor next to each other after a few seconds, laughing. Phoenix began laughing so incredibly hard that tears began forming around his eyes.

"Who's the one crying now?"

Phoenix gave Miles one big push causing them to both tumble onto each other. Phoenix quickly got up whilst Miles stayed on the floor. Both of them stayed quiet for a few minutes, trying to process what happened. 

"Uhhhh. Soooo Miles. I'm really sorry if I just made you uncomfortable..."

"No! No Phoenix it's okay... It's okay..." Miles' voice slowly trailed off.

"Miles are you tired? You seem to be trailing off. Don't tell me you're gonna fall asleep!"

"Well it might be too late, I think I'm already falling asleep." Miles talked in a sing-song fashion, Phoenix didn't know there was such a playful side to Miles, it felt nice to discover more of him to understand who he was.

"Miles I am not going to sit here all by myself, thats too boring." He started shaking Miles just to keep him from falling asleep.

"Woah Phoenix! I really am tired okay?" Phoenix looked at him and started pouting, Miles pushed him away and started laughing.

"Do you know the time?"

"It's 7:30"

"Wow we've been here for quite a bit, we both have work tomorrow its best we go home now."

"Ugh Miles you're such a killjoy, can you at least drive me home.  I don't want to wait at the bus stop whilst it's dark."

"Wright this is incredibly inappropriate behaviour... But yes I will take you home."

"Aww we've gone back to Wright."

"For now..."

For Phoenix the car ride home was fun. The entire time he spent chatting to Miles, no awkwardness, no tension and no coldness from Miles. Phoenix wanted to tell Maya about the time he spent with Miles, about how happy being next to him made him feel. Without thinking Phoenix started blurting out.

"Miles have you every thought about romance?"

This took Miles by surprise causing him to jump in his seat.

"Woah Miles! Don't get us into an accident!"

"Sorry, Sorry..."

Phoenix really didn't know if he should push Miles further but he had to know, he had to find out something at least.

"So, have you ever thought about romance, like being in love at all? Have you ever liked anyone?" Phoenix began smirking.


"I haven't really thought about it. I mean there is someone I might be interested in but I don't really know if I'm getting confused or if I genuinely like them."

Phoenix's heart fluttered, he wanted to hope Miles was talking about him, but he also didn't want to risk ruining their friendship over a misunderstanding.

"Oh look here we are Miles, just drop me off there."

Phoenix wanted to ask so much but he was too tired and didn't have the time...

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