The moment

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"Quick take the picture Miles!"

Miles hurriedly snapped a photo as a bird flew right above them, unfortunately for Phoenix that bird also decided that it was the best moment to let loose.

"Um Phoenix... I think you seem to have a little something on your shoulder."

Phoenix glanced down at his shoulder and immediately groaned, he had just bought this shirt and now it was soiled by a bird. He had never liked birds, they were annoying.

"Great just great! Today is going so well!"

Miles laughed and pulled out a tissue from his pocket, he was always so well prepared. Phoenix grabbed it with a quick snatch and wiped away the stain as best he could. Miles watched as Phoenix struggled to get a bit stuck on his back, finally he gave up and stared at Miles sympathetically who just chuckled and came over to help him.

"Thank you..."

"It's fine... Also just look at this magnificent photo I took."

Phoenix looked at the horrific sight in front of him. It had Phoenix at the back of the picture half way through screaming as the bird that disgraced him flew past. All the while, Miles was wheezing at the front of the camera, slightly blurred. 

"Miles what is this!?"

Miles had begun wheezing again it always happened when he found something incredibly funny.

"No don't laugh I look atrocious!"

Miles had to wipe a tear away whilst Phoenix glared at him.

"Ok-ok calm down Phoenix. Look do you want to go and walk around for a bit?"

Phoenix nodded and Miles held his hand, slowly leading him towards a small park. They stopped at a coffee shop and grabbed refreshments, the weather had finally started to improve since the awful winter. 

"Miles look over there."

Miles glanced over to where Phoenix had pointed, it was an extravagant water fountain with water pouring out of every corner.

"Don't you think it's pretty?"

"Yes I do but why are you showing me this?"

Phoenix thought about his answer, he didn't know why he wanted to show Miles the fountain. It just made him happy.

"I just wanted to."

Miles nodded and smiled, they leaned into a hug. Phoenix felt exhilarated every time he was around Miles, he couldn't help but blush or stutter or do all the conventional things someone would do. Phoenix knew he was truly happy and wanted to repeat it all the time to anyone who would listen.

"Phoenix let me take you somewhere."

Miles grabbed Phoenix's hand and to his surprise dragged him further into the park. They walked past a colourful array of flowers shining with different shades. The trees all shaped separate sizes all multiple shades of green. Now that spring had fully come into motion the nature had settled into its true beauty. 

"Sit down on this bench."

Phoenix sat and listened as Miles told him to stay put and to try and not look around. Phoenix was confused but obliged anyway hopefully it was a nice surprise or present. Phoenix tried to look away as Miles walked towards the bushes but he found it difficult, this strange series of events had peaked his interest. 

Whilst was busy doing whatever it was that he had went away for, Phoenix watched the environment around him. He could tell from the amount of couples wandering in the park that this place was clearly a hotspot for them, he wouldn't even be shocked if someone proposed right here right now. It would be the perfect engagement, the sun, the flowers, the weather; it was all the perfect setup. If Maya was here he would have tried to get Phoenix to propose about 20 times by now.

Phoenix's eyes lit up as he saw Miles wandering back towards him, hiding his hands behind his back Phoenix tried to peek but Miles glared at him with such fierce sharpness in his eyes that he decided to not risk it.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hands please."

Phoenix did what he was told once again and excitedly waited, he loved receiving presents. Miles told him to open his eyes and Phoenix glanced down at the red flower in front of him.

"Is this a-"

"A Phoenix flower."

"Where did you find this?"

Miles chuckled nervously.

"I had to do some digging..."

Phoenix thought for a second before gasping, he never expected Miles to do something like this.

"You stole this from another couple didn't you!"

Miles turned bright red before spluttering out some words.

"It was one from a bouquet stuffed full of them!"

Phoenix tutted but couldn't stop himself from giggling.

"You know what these flowers symbolise right?"

Phoenix shook his head, he was not an expert with flower meanings, all he knew was the roses were romantic and that was about it.

"Phoenix flowers don't last long, they usually die short after blooming-"

Phoenix pretended to take offence and snapped at Miles.

"Are you saying you don't love me? Is this how we break up? With flowers!"

It worked immediately, Miles became so flustered that he only calmed down when Phoenix kissed him and told him he was joking.

"U-um what I was trying to say was that after they die, their seeds go everywhere and bloom once again. And it just reminded me of how no matter how many times you failed in the courtroom, you always got your clients to be innocent in the end."

"So you wanted to compliment my skills in the courtroom with a flower."

"Not just that, the colour was also really pretty."

Miles smirked and Phoenix laughed along with him. The sun still hadn't set so they decided to wander around a bit more. Out of boredom, Phoenix decided to mess with some of the couples by mixing a few of their flowers together. Once Miles caught him in the act, he swiftly switched the flowers back and lecturing Phoenix about it.

"Phoenix that was incredibly rude of you."

"Ok-ok Miles I apologise... It was fun though."


"You shouldn't be lecturing me about this since you stole a flower from another couple."


Phoenix began laughing and Miles couldn't keep his serious face for long, Phoenix watched as a small smile creeped at the corner of his lips.

"Oh before I forget, we need to go to the print shop."


"I need to print that beautiful picture I took of you."

Phoenix groaned and walked with Miles to the print shop.

Phoenix put the picture frame down. His room was dark and cold, his desk was a mess with files strewn all over. With tears streaming down his face and the tea in his hand now cold he walked back to his bedroom. He missed Miles.

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