Finally over

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Days of investigating and fighting in the courtroom had gone by, Phoenix had done it. He had proved to the judge that Maya was innocent he had saved his friend. It was a relief for everyone, except maybe Franziska. After the trial ended Franziska stormed off whilst Phoenix ran towards Maya. She quickly embraced him in a hug.

"Nick! I'm so glad! Is Pearls ok?"

Pearl popped up from behind Phoenix, it scared him every time.

"Mystic Maya! Mr Nick just couldn't bear to see you behind a prison cell he had to save you."

"Pearl! Maya listen you're my friend I had to help you."

Maya chuckled.

"Nick I know you didn't mean it like that. Pearl just likes to get carried away like that."

"You guys are so perfect for each other!"

Both of them turned around to try and stop Pearl from getting anymore ideas.

"But Mystic Maya, you two are perfect for each other! Mr Nick went through all of that just to save you he must be in love with you."

"Pearls... Me and Nick are not in love with each other. We are just really good friends, and really good friends help each other."

"I don't believe it!"

Pearl started to tear up so Maya and Phoenix had to calm her down. Suddenly, she punched Phoenix right in his stomach. Maya laughed but pulled Pearl away from Phoenix who had already started wheezing.

"Owwww.... Pearl. Please stop punching me."

Pearl was still flustered and started pouting. 

"Mr Nick! You are going to break Mystic Maya's heart and I won't let you!"

"Pearls, listen ok? Nick and I have nothing going on. Do you understand?"

Pearl nodded reluctantly but both of them knew that once Pearl thought of something it would be hard to change her mind.

Whilst Maya and Phoenix were carrying on their conversation Phoenix heard those signature heels. It made him shiver.

"Mr Phoenix Wright... You may have won this trial but next time, next time I will win! This was just a fluke in my career, you got lucky. Your foolish ways won't bring you victory next time."

Phoenix thought about how to answer, the whip in Franziska's hand looming over him.

"Um Ms von Karma? Why are you so sure this was a mistake? I proved Maya innocent she was innocent."

Franziska blushed, her eyes darted downwards.

"W-well it still put a dent in my career you fool! U-um I know that she was innocent in the end!"

Phoenix smirked.

"Ok Ms von Karma..."

Suddenly, he yelped in pain. Franziska's whip had already marked his arms and face in a matter of seconds. Maya giggled and Franziska smiled at her proudly.

"Wow von Karma I didn't know you could smile." Maya answered, Phoenix had never seen her flirt with anyone before. However, he didn't want to mention it, it was best to let this ship run its course. Also he was scared of getting whipped again.

Maya began talking to Franziska a bit more, they were both very reserved, Maya still suspicious of Franziska. She was the prosecutor of the trial after all.

Phoenix walked away and felt a small tug on his sleeve. He knew exactly who it was.

"Mr Nick... I'm sorry if I was too much about the idea of you and Mystic Maya. Please forgive me!"

"Aw it's ok Pearl, you probably got confused when you saw how close me and Maya are. Don't worry yourself with things like this."

Pearl bunched herself up and stared up at Phoenix her eyes began to water.

"I just want her to be happy!"

She began bawling her eyes out and Phoenix began to panic, he tried to comfort her as much as possible but to no avail. She continued sobbing which caused some eyes to turn within the lobby. Maya paused her conversation with Franziska and rushed over.

"Nick! What did you do?"

"Me?! I didn't do anything!"

"Then why is Pearls crying?"

Pearl continued to sob, often muttering the phrase 'I just want her to be happy'. Phoenix had to explain to Maya that Pearl was worried about Maya's wellbeing. 


Pearl stopped and looked up at Maya who embraced her in a hug.

"I really appreciate you wanting me to be happy but please don't get sad about it. If you get sad I'll get sad and then everyones upset."

Phoenix watched as Maya comforted Pearl, in 20 minutes Pearl had gone from being happy to angry to downright depressed but with Maya by her side she seemed fine again. Phoenix felt it best to change the subject to something a bit more cheerful.

"How was Ms von Karma?"

Maya blushed ever so slightly, Phoenix pushed her even more.

"Was she... Nice?"

Maya blushed even more and stared right into Phoenix's eyes.

"For your information she was in fact quite nice! But don't get any ideas or I'll get Pearls to punch you again!"

"Woah- woah okay, I'll stop."

Phoenix had never been so terrified of a little girl, she punched as though her hands were as hard as rocks.

"Anyways, do you want to get some food? I'm tired and hungry. How about some noodles?"

"Can we go get... Burgers?"

Phoenix sighed.

"Of course..."


Sorry if the chapters haven't been as entertaining lately, the next chapter is going to be more interesting. 

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