Solving problems

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The police soon arrived and immediately arrested Maya, Phoenix fought against it but there was nothing he could do. It was too late, the police already had made their assumptions and there was no changing their minds.

Maya was dragged away and Phoenix ran towards Gumshoe, he looked way too tired to be here.

"Gumshoe! Please tell me that you made a mistake arresting Maya, I know she didn't kill Dr Grey!"

"I'm sorry pal... She was the only person in the room, there was even blood on her clothes. It's pretty clear who killed the doctor."

Gumshoe looked at Phoenix with sympathetic eyes he knew that Phoenix was already dealing with grief, now Maya was getting arrested and Phoenix had to spare the remainder of his energy protecting her. He didn't know if he could but he knew he had to. Maya needed him right now.

Phoenix looked at Gumshoe, and asked him for the only thing that he could have, an autopsy report. Gumshoe handed over a simple document which Phoenix skimmed over, he felt a small hand clutch his leg and looked down.

"Umm Mr? Is Mystic Maya going to be ok?"

"Mystic Maya?" Phoenix had never heard anyone call Maya mystic before.

"That's her title, since Maya will be the next leader in Kurain Village."

Phoenix was still not accustomed to the rules in Kurain Village, he still had a lot to learn about the system and the history of this place. All Phoenix could do for now was nod and smile.

"S-so is she going to be ok?"

Phoenix didn't know, he truly didn't... But this little girl was so scared and alone Phoenix knew he had to help her.

"I'll make sure that she'll be fine."

The rest of the day was chaotic, it consisted of Phoenix travelling back and forth between the detention centre and collecting evidence. Pearl was surprisingly strong despite the fact that her cousin was accused of murder. She mostly helped Phoenix and at sometimes Phoenix even felt like she was smarter than him.

After about a day of investigating Phoenix was called to the courtroom, he knew that he didn't have enough evidence but this wasn't the first time Phoenix had to defend someone with little to no evidence.

As he was walking into the courtroom Phoenix saw a flash of light blue hair, he glanced closer. It couldn't be, could it? Von Karma is in prison now, he couldn't be here. So who was this? The same hair as Von Karma was pretty ugly, no one would want to style it like that. Phoenix decided to be rational for once and walk up to the mysterious figure without drawing conclusions. Before he even took the first step, the figure turned around and stared straight at him quickly pacing ahead.

Phoenix tried to step back but found himself backed up against the wall, Pearl just stared at him with a slight disappointment in her eyes. Phoenix felt slightly sad that a small girl could be so judgemental.


The person speaking had a heavy German accent and a clear sense of superiority. However their appearance said otherwise. It was just a girl that looked around the same age as Maya, her clothes were fancy and quite serious, it reminded him of Von Karma even more... Scary.

"Hi um so like who are you exactly?"

The girl looked offended and that's when Phoenix realised the whip in her hand. He would have to speak pretty carefully to avoid being whipped.

"I am Franziska von Karma! The greatest prosecutor prodigy! How do you not know who I am you fool?"

"Umm von Karma, like Manfred von Karma?"

Franziska looked up at Phoenix with a sharp look in her eyes.

"Yes Mr Phoenix Wright. Manfred von Karma was my father and because of you he is now in prison. My family name is tarnished because of your foolish actions you fool."

Phoenix didn't like this girl one bit.

"I will get my revenge today, I will make sure that this Maya Fey will be the smudge on your record. This will be your foolish downfall you fool!"

Welp, this was it. Phoenix was just gonna ignore her until the trial was over but how could he? This girl was his main opposition in court today, he was going against the legacy of Manfred von Karma. This was going to be an important trial...

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