The conversations I once had

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He knew what was best for him, he needed someone to talk to, someone to blurt out his feelings to. Phoenix didn't really want to burden anyone, he felt like his feelings weren't even that important. There were bigger issues out there, issues like Miles. Phoenix couldn't help but feel the pain in thinking about him, uttering that name made his eyes water, his breath grow heavy. 

Phoenix picked up the phone, he scrolled through his very limited contacts. Gumshoe? No... He was close to Miles, he's probably going through his own issues right now no need to resurface those feelings. Maybe Maya... She wasn't really close to Miles, she knew him yes... But they were never really friends. Maya still knew Miles well enough to understand what Phoenix was going through. Sighing deeply, he called her.

The phone rang a few times but luckily Maya picked up.

"Heya Nick! Why are you calling me? Do you want some help with...Miles?" Phoenix could hear the smugness in her voice, poor Maya... She had no idea what was going on.

With his raspy and tired voice Phoenix answered. "I really need to talk to you... Would you be okay with that?"

Maya answered back in a panic, she asked Phoenix everything but he kept his answers vague. It didn't feel right to say such a serious thing over the phone. 

Maya agreed to come over to his apartment, Phoenix knew what Maya was like. If she put her mind to it Maya could do anything she wanted to. Phoenix slowly got up, still tired with puffy eyes. His world was blurry and confusing, he was all alone and he knew it... Miles wasn't around anymore, his memories were fading too. Phoenix felt as though his environment was a new place, it was dark, it was empty, it was numb... 

He got dressed, a dull and boring activity. No one to talk to or to spend time with. He didn't eat breakfast, he couldn't stomach the idea of eating anything, not with his grief towering over him. Phoenix spent the next ten minutes running his hand along his small bookshelf, thinking about the time Miles told him to buy more books. Memories like this would flash often, moments frozen in time; just of Miles and Phoenix sharing their interests and thoughts together. Only Phoenix had thoughts now.

Whilst Phoenix was deep in thought he heard Maya knocking at the door, it was like she had woken him from a deep dive. 

He shuffled over to the door and opened it, even though he had only opened it a smidge, Maya burst through with a tub of ice-cream and a whole box of tissues. Phoenix looked down with a tired look on his face meeting his eyes with Maya's concerned gaze.

"Nick... What happened?" Maya looked around, Phoenix's house was a mess, his papers strewn about on the floor and his curtains closed. 

"Wh-where's Miles? Shouldn't he be with you?" 

Phoenix's eyes pricked up. His lip quivered.

"Oh no! He didn't break up with you right?" Maya's eyes widened.


Phoenix beckoned Maya to sit down. He poured out his heart and all his feelings whilst Maya sat there with horror in her eyes. She turned pale as a ghost as she listened to Phoenix talk about how Miles wrote that note. He left nothing for Phoenix to know. Miles just, left... Phoenix still didn't want to believe he was dead, Miles wouldn't do this. He wouldn't run away from his problems...

"Phoenix...I-I don't know what to say... I'm, sorry." Maya had tears in her eyes, she had mostly ended up using the tissue box she had brought for Phoenix on herself. 

"It's okay. You didn't know..." Phoenix reached out to Maya who was still bawling her eyes out. 

"Hey umm Nick... Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Haha... It's nice to know you care, there's nothing you can do now. Don't beat yourself up." 

Maya started to try and clear her voice, but it became all shaky.

"But I can't help but blame myself! I'm the one that told you to hold on and never let go! If I hadn't said that then maybe you wouldn't feel like you had failed."

Maya aggressively opened up the ice cream tub and Phoenix brought over a spoon. They both sat down and silently ate it with Maya and Phoenix interchangeably sobbing between spoonfuls.


Phoenix turned around, he was still mumbling whilst he had ice cream in his mouth.

"Do you want to take a break?"

"What kind?"

"Well... You know how I'm from a small place called Kurain Village?"

"Umm... Sure." Phoenix didn't actually remember but it felt good to have a different topic of discussion.

"I have some family there and it would be nice to visit them. I want you you to come along, it would be nice to spend time elsewhere."

"That... Actually sounds like a good idea!" Maya usually had very complicated and weird ideas but this one was more moderate. Just a small break.

"You might want to prepare yourself to meet my cousin..."

"What's their name?"


Phoenix wondered why Maya felt the need to mention her cousin like this, but he didn't mind. It gave him some extra stuff to know, he could feel less of an outsider.

With that, Maya left and Phoenix was stuck at home packing. He could take his mind off Miles for once and look forward to something new.


My story skips a few cases in the AA timeline, if you don't want spoilers for the next case it's called Reunion and turnabout. 

A simple story [Wrightworth/ Narumitsu]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ