April fools (One-shot)

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This is just a short story for April fools day. About a day in the life of Detective Gumshoe. This takes place after Phoenix and Miles confessed to eachother.

Gumshoe woke up in his small square bed, it was too small for him that's for sure. Every night he nearly falls off it. Anyways, he got up and walked over to the kitchen, no breakfast for him today, he had only some cup noodles and ramen left and he was planning on sharing them with Mr Edgeworth. He hoped Maggie had brought some food again, her food was always delicious.

Gumshoe got dressed and put on his signature trench coat, Maggie always told him that it looked really nice, hopefully she liked how he looked today as well. Excitedly Gumshoe looked out his window to stare at the pigeons, he had put out some bird seed the night before so he hoped that at least some birds had arrived. Gumshoe liked pigeons, he could relate to them in some way, just little guys trying to find their way in this busy city. 

Walking out the door Gumshoe grabbed his small phone, it was nothing fancy like Mr Edgeworth's but it did the job. He stepped out into the apartment corridor and studied the small cracks in the walls, if he could buy some paint Gumshoe would love to paint over them.

Arriving in the car park, he hopped into his car. Gumshoe loved to drive his car, it made him feel cool like those super awesome detectives in the tv shows. Gumshoe could just imagine himself breaking down a door and shouting "Police! You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say can and will be used against you in court!"

That was Gumshoes goal, be put on a super cool mission and do that. Maybe that could impress Maggie...

Gumshoe arrived at Mr Edgeworth's office. He saw Edgeworth stepping out of his car and ran over to him.

"Morning Mr Edgeworth!"

Gumshoe saw Mr Edgeworth look towards him, he looked moody but Gumshoe had worked with him for so long that he knew what each frown and wrinkle meant. Today he was happy and calm because his eyebrows weren't as furrowed as usual. Good sign.

"Good morning Detective Gumshoe."

Gumshoe insisted on trailing Mr Edgeworth back to his office, Gumshoe knew he was testing it but he wanted to see how long Mr Edgeworth's good mood would last.

"So how was yesterday sir?"

Mr Edgeworth stared to the wall, his eyes glossed over and his cheeks blushed. Mr Edgeworth never blushes.

"Sir... Did you do something to do with romance yesterday?

Mr Edgeworth widened his eyes and stared at Gumshoe.

"Absolutely not Detective! That is disgraceful! What I did yesterday is none of your business!"

Gumshoe had never seen such a flustered reaction from Mr Edgeworth. Something did happen. Gumshoe decided to not push Mr Edgeworth any further, he couldn't risk a reduction of his salary, he was barely getting by as it was. Worth it though. Edgeworth it .(Sorry the opportunity was right there, now we have Wright-right and Edgeworth-worth)

Gumshoe walked downstairs to his desk and sat down. He hoped that if something did happen and that if Mr Edgeworth did confess his love he confessed it Mr Wright.

Gumshoe had always seen a spark between Mr Wright and Mr Edgeworth, it was too obvious to deny. Now Gumshoe wasn't always that brightest but he knew that there was something there. 

Gumshoe saw Maggie walking over to him, his stomach rumbled. Not just from hunger but butterflies as well. Maggie was engaged to another officer so Gumshoe could never be with her, that never stopped him from dreaming. Maggie was always nice to Gumshoe and would always help him, bring him food and follow his instructions without fail.

As he watched Maggie walk over, he saw that she had a lunchbox in her hand, it smelled delicious.

"Here Mr Gumshoe, I brought some food for you today. I hope you haven't already had breakfast."

Maggie smiled and Gumshoe smiled back, he was never good when it came to romance. In  the end he was only a big dork. He grabbed the food and downed it in minutes. Today's menu was some sausages with rice on the side, delicious!

Maggie left and Gumshoe was stuck at the computer, he filled in some reports for the day and then had some lunch, curtsey of Maggie of course. His work shift ended, and feeling pretty satisfied with today he went home.

Warming up a nice cup of noodles he had his dinner and went to bed. Today was a good day.

A/N again

This was just a short story for april fools day the next chapter will come out soon.

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