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Phoenix woke up, he didn't have as much of a cold as yesterday. Next to him, his phone was ringing intensely, tiredly Phoenix picked it up, he had only just realised that Miles wasn't next to him. He didn't think much of it though, Miles might be in the bathroom it's not a big deal. Slowly, he picked up the phone only to hear Gumshoe shouting at the other end.


"Woah Gumshoe calm down why are you shouting?" Phoenix had to physically hold the phone away from his ear, Gumshoe was so loud.

"It's about Mr Edgeworth!"

Now Phoenix was nervous. It was early in the morning what could have happened to Miles?

"Something happened to him..."

Phoenix didn't even let Gumshoe finish, he closed the phone and got dressed. His hands trembling he ran all the way to the prosecutors office, Phoenix didn't have time to wait for the bus, it could already be too late.

Barging into Miles' office with the sweat trickling down his neck, Phoenix stared up in horror as he saw Gumshoe with red puffy eyes and a note in his hand.

"Mr Wright you need to see this..."

Phoenix snatched up the note, his hands shook as he read the words on the paper...

Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death...

Phoenix's eyes swelled up with tears, he turned around to Gumshoe who already looked soulless and empty.

"I-I'm sorry Pal... We all found out this morning, it only felt right for you to know too."

Phoenix's voice was hoarse, he knew this was real because Miles would never make a joke like this, he was never cruel with his humour.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Phoenix's voice cracked and stuttered with every sentence he was still having a hard time believing it. Miles? Dead? It couldn't be true. Phoenix decided to go home, he needed time to think about everything. Deep down he hoped it was all a joke, that Miles was waiting for him when he got home with a huge smile on his face.

Phoenix thanked Gumshoe and took the note with him, he walked quietly alone in the rain, it didn't matter though, it's not like he could feel it.

Phoenix walked into his apartment, it was dark and messy, the loneliness had already set in... Phoenix called out Miles' name just holding out the hope that maybe Miles had used his extra keys come to Phoenix's apartment and stayed there. Phoenix knew it was far fetched but just what if? Miles had to be alive! Maybe he just ran away, maybe he couldn't take it anymore, but Phoenix thought. Miles was always honest with me, he would tell me if there was a problem right? Phoenix was losing grip it was becoming harder and harder to hope.

He needed to calm down, just breathe and try to process everything, the best way for that would be a shower he thought.

He stepped in, turned up the heat of the water and let it pour everywhere, trickle down his face so that it mixed with the tears. Pour into his nose so that the feeling of drown in guilt would feel more real, so he knew it was all true. Phoenix spent an hour letting the water find a way into every internal wound he had, every ounce of happiness he had washed away with the feeling of numbness. He stepped out that shower not feeling any cleaner, he stepped out that shower a different man that he was that morning.

Phoenix walked around his apartment and studied every wall, every chair, every crack. He did everything he could to try and take his mind off of it all, not just Miles but everyone else. He wanted to feel alone, feeling comfort in the isolation of his thoughts.

Sliding his hands across the window ledges he paused, his heart stung and beat with panic as he looked at what was in front of him. It was the figure he had bought Miles, that exact figure in which Miles had left for him in his home as a memento to them. Phoenix panicked and collapsed into a corner as he thought for longer.

Was it all planned? I mean why would he say keep this as a memory of me if he didn't know he was going to do this? Did Miles even ever love me? Was it all just a ploy?

The questions wouldn't stop circling until Phoenix couldn't take it anymore. He screamed out until his voice was raw, until no more noise could possibly come out.

Why Miles! Why did you do this to me? Left me here all on my own... I thought you were okay - I thought you were fine but you lied to me! You left me behind...

And with those thoughts circling around his head Phoenix placed his head in his hands, he sobbed and he cried and he wailed but he knew, he knew nothing would bring Miles back it was useless, just all for nothing...

Phoenix finally went to rest, all that crying had exhausted him and he felt like he couldn't go on any longer. Still in his normal clothes he laid down and stared up at the ceiling fan, watching it circle around and around. His eyes grew tired, as he looked around and studied everything around him, still trying to forget.

Phoenix fell asleep with his last thought's being Miles...

His dreams didn't get any better, they were distorted, shattered versions of the reality he was facing. He was stuck, behind a glass wall with Miles facing him, tears streaming down his face. Miles curled up into a ball and started crying but Phoenix couldn't do anything to help. No one could hear him or acknowledge him, he was just... There.

Phoenix banged on the glass knocking on it, he tried everything in his power to break this wall between him and Miles. The only thing that worked was running right through, it shattered the glass into a million pieces. Phoenix sprinted to Miles who turned back to him with a hatred in his eyes.

"It's your fault..."

Miles began to scream.

"It's your fault! You could have saved me! But you just stood there dancing and singing! You're useless! You. Are. Worthless."

Phoenix tried to touch Miles who ran away, he disappeared into the shadows until he was no more.

Phoenix woke up, drenched in a cold sweat and his hands trembling, at least he wasn't sobbing anymore...

I know that this was a really sad and heavy chapter but please stick around in the story. It doesn't end here. The next few chapters won't be the most romantic but then again, Phoenix always finds a way back to Miles...

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