To see [Miles POV]

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Miles sat in a court room, an all too familiar court room. Everything was as it had been on that day, the day of the truth, the day he had found out his fathers killer. Miles' vision was blurry but it soon became clear, he was sat in a chair with a bailiff next to him, staring daggers onto Miles. Miles was still confused. His ears rang. The room spun. Slowly, Miles concentrated onto a desk on the side, he focused in on the face, he didn't understand, who was this man? Gradually, the panic set in. Oh no... It couldn't be. Could it?

Miles' eyes darted around the room his breathing heavy and irregular he panicked and tried to get up, he wanted to run, run away far from here. He tried and tried to get up forcefully pushing his way out of the chair, only to realise, it was useless. Miles collapsed into his seat, the sweat trickling down his neck; he tried to make sense of it all, this wasn't real he told himself. I am dreaming, I'll wake up right now, next to Phoenix, I'll be safe. I'll be ok.

The man stood at the prosecutor's desk was none other than Von Karma, his smirk directed at Miles who stared wide-eyed in shock.

He wanted to cry.

He just wanted to curl up and cry.

Von Karma spoke, his voice deep and distorted like a fractured mirror. Miles knew what he was saying, he didn't need to hear it clearly, he had already memorised every word of that trial.

"Your honour, that man Miles Edgeworth is our murderer. We have laid out the evidence for you, it is clear that the defence is unprepared. They have no more evidence, no more excuses. This trial has already gone on further than I predicted however, I will applaud the defence for their fight, they lasted much longer than most attorney's have against me. I have proven to you that Miles Edgeworth is the man responsible for the death of Gregory Edgeworth."

Von Karma looked over to Miles. Suddenly, Miles felt something cold, sharp, tightening around his neck, it was a chain. No. Multiple chains. They wrapped around his arms, his legs, constricting his movements. Miles could no longer breathe, a black fog shrouded his vision. The last thing he heard was Von Karma's laughter, it reminded him of that scream. That hideous, disgusting scream. How could two such conflicting emotions be so similar?

Miles woke up.

Not in his bed. Not in his room. Not next to Phoenix. No. Miles was in the detention centre, Phoenix sat across him, his hands shaking his eyes dark and his hair a mess.

"I'm sorry." Phoenix said. His voice was just like Von Karma's, far off, distorted, just not right.

Miles trembled he tried to speak, he really did. But to no prevail, his voice was stuck, somewhere deep down in his stomach. He just smiled at Phoenix, Miles knew, he knew that this Phoenix wasn't real but he felt like it was wrong to not help him anyway. Phoenix just stared back, the light that shined in his eyes missing.

"I'll keep fighting, that cheater Von Karma. He's wrong, Miles, I know you would never kill your father." Phoenix raised his hand to the glass that separated them. His words hurt, they stung, they cut deep into Miles' internal scars but Miles still felt the warmth in Phoenix's voice.

All too soon, the room began to spin, Miles didn't want to go, he was scared. This detention centre wasn't ideal but he was scared. He didn't want to go, what if he faced his worst nightmare appeared in front of him?

Miles collapsed onto the floor, he rose and looked at what was in front of him. One single mirror. Miles sighed, it was just him there, just his reflection, Miles studied his face, his wrinkles his cold, black eyes. Wait... Miles didn't have black eyes, he didn't have wrinkles, he stared in horror as the man in front of him morphed. His face took on a new form. Miles backed up into the wall, the wall broke and he fell through.

Now he had woken up. Miles woke up with sweat surrounding his head. He looked down next to him, Phoenix was sleeping peacefully, undisturbed.

Miles ran to the bathroom, he washed his face vigorously, washed his hands until they were raw red. It felt like he had to wash something away, his past maybe, or maybe the blood left from Von Karma. He looked up at the mirror, it was just him...

Just Miles. He was okay.

Miles slowly felt tears welling in his eyes, he tried suppress it, bottle his emotions, Phoenix didn't need to see this. He didn't need to see Miles broken, like a used toy. His lip quivered, hands trembling he collapsed, backed up against the wall.

Holding his head in his hands Miles wailed, and he cried and he cried. He sobbed his problems away. Suddenly, the light in outside the bathroom turned on. Miles saw Phoenix staring down at him, he hurriedly wiped his tears away and tried to get up. Phoenix pushed him back down and sat next to him.

"I-I'm okay. Please just go back to bed..."

"Miles... Your not okay, do you want to talk to me? I'll listen."

Miles stayed silent, he tried to move away from Phoenix, he didn't want to confront his feelings.

"Miles, if you just want to cry, I'm here for that too... It's okay to cry." Phoenix gave a meek smile.

Miles placed his head onto Phoenix's shoulder, Phoenix hugged him, pulling him closer. Miles cried for a few more minutes before looking up to Phoenix.

"I think I want to tell you. Do you want to listen?"

Phoenix nodded, he listened intently as Miles explained, Miles tried to tell everything in as much detail as possible. It was hard, sometimes Miles nearly started crying again, Phoenix told him everything was okay. He listened patiently, helping Miles with his process. Miles hugged Phoenix over and over, burying his head as his breaths grew tired and he exhausted himself.

Miles became tired, he had talked out everything he needed to say. It felt so much better to just get everything out.

"That's it..."

"Oh Miles... I'm so sorry that you went through that. Thank you for telling me. Are you okay now?"

"Not really, but I'm getting there."

Miles got up and Phoenix brushed away his remaining tears, Miles held Phoenix's hand and led him back to bed. For the rest of the night, Miles slept peacefully, he had worn away all his energy so sleep had easily found it's way.


Sorry if this chapter felt a bit too long and intense for a fanfic lol. The next chapter will be more lighthearted. Thanks for reading!

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