So it begins (Miles POV)

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Phoenix burst through the door. He quickly hugged Miles and then... Kissed him.

Miles was at first shocked, this wasn't how his plan was meant to go at all! Without thinking, he kissed Phoenix back, they both stood in the doorway for a minute, staring at each other's eyes. Phoenix suddenly pulled out a bouquet and Miles started chuckling. He held Phoenix's hand and led him to his desk where he showed Phoenix the flowers he had already bought.

They both sat down on Miles' sofa, too embarrassed to say anything...

"I'm so glad..." Miles heard Phoenix utter softly.

"Why would you be glad?" Miles leaned over and placed his head on Phoenix's shoulder, Phoenix jumped which caused Miles to quickly take his head off Phoenix's shoulder.

"Sorry" Miles whispered. Suddenly, he felt two hands on his face. Phoenix was staring at him, Miles could see the affection in his eyes. Miles couldn't help but stare back, he felt immense joy just being around Phoenix, he knew now that this was the man he loved and without realising he said.

"I love you"

Now his plan had really fallen apart, his sweet confession under the moonlight was nowhere to be seen. Miles didn't care though, somehow this was better, it felt right, or he thought Wright.

Phoenix began to speak, he was still holding Miles' face.

"Miles, I said I was glad because I didn't know what to expect from you. I thought that you wouldn't be interested or that you would be scared of a relationship like this. I guess it just goes to show how alike we are. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Miles kissed Phoenix and buried his face into his chest. He could hear Phoenix's heart rapidly beating, every time Miles would place his hand around Phoenix he could hear his breaths stop. If he were to look up, Miles knew he would see Phoenix with a bright shade of red. He didn't want to look up though, he wanted to stay in this moment forever, a moment captured in time.

"Phoenix, I have felt the exact same way, I meant my words when I said I love you, and I will always mean them..."

"Well then Miles, I love you too, I will love you forever and always."

Miles placed his head onto Phoenix's lap placing his hand on Phoenix's cheek.

"Hah, those would be good wedding vows..." Miles quickly covered his mouth, he hadn't meant to say that. He felt as Phoenix became extremely hot, his breaths became quicker and he tried to hide his face with his hands. Miles couldn't help but feel sorry for him, Phoenix was just as embarrassed to show his feelings as he was.

"Sorry Phoenix..."

Phoenix quickly pulled him up and leaned Miles next to himself.

"Don't you dare apologise... At least you act open about your feelings, I just hide and wait until the last moment."

If only Phoenix knew just how much energy it took for Miles to be able to even form a sentence around Phoenix, if only he knew how much there was still to say. Miles knew he had to get Phoenix to realise he was so much more than the nobody he thought he was.

"Phoenix, don't ever forget this okay?" Phoenix nodded and stared at Miles. "You have always been much more confident and open than I have ever been. You are an amazing person and never let anyone else make you think otherwise."

"Thank you..." Phoenix kissed Miles on the cheek, Miles could feel himself getting warmer by the minute.

"Hah, Miles, you're blushing so much... It's so cute"

Miles lightly smacked Phoenix and blushed heavily.

"Come on Miles, lets go back to my place, time for some fresh air..."

Miles drove them back to Phoenix's apartment, they changed clothes, Miles ended up wearing a jumper that Phoenix gave to him.

"Why didn't you just give the jumper I had given you?"

"I wanted to keep it... For the memories."

They both sat down and talked about what to do now, how they wanted to handle the future.

"I think we should take it slow, keep things between us and just be in the moment."

Miles nodded, he couldn't agree more, the last thing he needed was being bombarded by questions he didn't know how to answer. Gently he place his head onto Phoenix's shoulder, he didn't flinch this time, instead Phoenix wrapped his arm around Miles.

Miles yawned and slowly began to drift to sleep, he could feel his eyes getting heavier but he still managed to stay awake.

"I love you Phoenix Wright, you sassy, confident defence attorney..."

"And I love you Miles Edgeworth, you kind, quiet prosecutor..."

And with that, Miles fell asleep, placing his head onto Phoenix's lap.

POV Switch: Phoenix Wright

Phoenix glanced down and saw Miles peacefully asleep on his lap. He looked so content, his light hair covering his eyes, his breaths small and quiet. Carefully, Phoenix lifted Miles up and carried him to his bedroom.

Gently, he placed Miles down as to not disturb him, covering him with the blanket. There was only one bedroom in Phoenix's flat and he didn't know how Miles would feel about being in the same bed, so Phoenix quietly slipped out. Before he left, he gave Miles a small kiss on the forehead, and then headed out of the room and to the sofa to lie down.

His mind rushed with the thoughts of what had happened, Phoenix felt so much relief now that he knew how Miles felt, he finally felt at peace. It all felt like a dream that he never wanted to wake up from. Phoenix told himself that he would be there to protect Miles and support him from now on. With those thoughts, Phoenix fell asleep, dreaming of a new future with Miles.

Author note:

I don't plan to end the series right after this confession since I still have some more that I want to write, however due to circumstances right now, it may take a while for the next chapter to come out. After this point this story will also separate from the official Ace Attorney timeline so characters that appear later in the game may appear earlier. Thank you for reading up till this point and I hope you enjoy the story!

A simple story [Wrightworth/ Narumitsu]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora