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Phoenix woke up with a horrible headache, it felt as though his head might burst any second now. Next to him on a small table Phoenix saw a piece of paper in front of a glass of water, with what seemed to be aspirin next to it. The words said drink me and there was a small name at the bottom. Edgeworth...

He quickly downed the aspirin and slowly trudged his way over to the door when he realised he was still wearing his suit, it had become all wrinkly and creased in all the wrong places. Phoenix groaned to himself.

As he opened the door Phoenix was greeted with the all too bright sun, its rays hurt his eyes.  Now that he thought about it, he must have been like a vampire with blood shot eyes, slowly stumbling around Edgeworth's apartment.

Edgeworth still hadn't woken up. Phoenix checked the time, 9:00 am, not too bad for a guy who had basically passed out yesterday. The least Phoenix could do for Edgeworth was make him some breakfast after he let him into his home.

Phoenix walked around the kitchen, it was quite modern but fancy, just like everything he owned. He decided on pancakes, who couldn't go wrong with a pancake? The eggs, flour, milk and the rest were easy to find, now all Phoenix had to do was whisk them as quietly as he could. Luckily, he did just fine, and just as Phoenix was about to make the pancakes he realised... Where are the plates? Shoot. This would be embarrassing. He looked everywhere but they were nowhere to be found. Phoenix might have opened one cabinet too quickly because a few of Edgeworth's cups came flying down and broke. One shard gave him a cut on his head, as if he wasn't in a rough shape already.

"Wright!" Edgeworth came rushing out the bedroom door nearly tripping on the way.

"Wright are you okay?!" He seemed so worried...

"Yeah- yeah I'm fine. By the way, could you tell me where the plates are..." Edgeworth looked down at the messy counter now dirtied with flour. "I was trying to make you breakfast..."

Edgeworth's eyes skimmed Phoenix up and down before stopping abruptly and looking at his head. "Wright, my goodness your bleeding!" Phoenix actually didn't mind the cut that much, but it felt nice for someone to be concerned about him.

"Hey Edgeworth, if you don't mind... Could I use the bathroom?"

"Do you want a bandaid as well?"

"That would be nice."

When Phoenix was in the bathroom he carefully washed his hands and face, dabbing the cut until no more blood resurfaced. Slowly, he placed the bandaid on his head, Phoenix was lucky the cut wasn't too big or too deep.

Once he stepped out the bathroom Phoenix saw Edgeworth sweeping up the remaining glass shards and cleaning the spilled flour.

"Soooo, Miles. How do you feel about breakfast?"

Edgeworth spun around spilling some flour onto his t-shirt. Phoenix thought it didn't look like he cared though, he seemed more shocked than anything.


"Well I think we're close enough to start calling each other by our first names, don't you think Miles?"

A simple story [Wrightworth/ Narumitsu]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora