What happened?

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He got lucky.

Yesterday's trial was a disaster, Franziska didn't turn up to court because she got shot right before the trial started and Gumshoe had to rush to hospital. Edgeworth prosecuted instead and Phoenix knew that he was only there to make sure that the trial didn't go wrong.

The kidnapper sent a few messages through the transceiver, before the trial began he had 'sent a present' for Phoenix. If only Phoenix had known that this present was having Franziska in hospital. During the trial one of the witnesses had given away some information that shook Edgeworth to the core. Phoenix couldn't help but wonder what the witness could have known, Edgeworth was never that expressive around strangers.

Phoenix had tried his best to convince the kidnapper to not do anything to Maya. He hadn't gotten a not guilty verdict but at the same time, he hadn't gotten any verdict at all. The mysterious man told him to not push his luck, Phoenix didn't know how he was going to keep Maya out of harms way.

Straight after the trial Phoenix went to meet up with Edgeworth again, everything felt so awkward now but Phoenix knew Maya was more important. A little uncertainty was welcome if it meant Maya would come back.

Phoenix was about to head over to the prosecutor's office but before then decided to head to his own office, it was getting late and dropping Pearl off at the office would be good. Just as he was entering his office Phoenix saw a large shadow looming by the window. The sun was shining over them making a large silhouette. Phoenix made Pearl hide behind him before trying to quietly creep towards the mysterious shadow. He thought about whether to speak or not, the figure still hadn't noticed them. Phoenix crept closer and closer and when he was about a metre away he finally recognised who it was.


Gumshoe turned around and looked at Phoenix with a shocked look on his face, Phoenix met his gaze with a mixture of confusion and shock.

"Gumshoe WHAT are you doing here?"

Gumshoe quickly changed his expression to a sad one, he rubbed his neck and awkwardly spluttered out a sentence.

"Um so Mr Wright, pal... Ms von Karma let me go and I don't have a job right now... Since you needed some help on this case I thought maybe I could come and work with you. You don't have to pay me money! Some food should be enough..."

Phoenix stared at him, his mouth wide open. Gumshoe got let go? Phoenix had to pay him with food???

Phoenix decided to just get everything over with, Gumshoe could at least give him some information even if it wasn't much.

"Is Ms Franziska ok? I heard Edgeworth saying she was in stable condition but I don't actually know how she is."

"Oh yeah Ms von Karma, after they took the bullet out she said she was completely fine. They had a hard time keeping her in hospital."

Phoenix was still processing it all, Franziska had got shot in the morning because the kidnapper that Phoenix had been negotiating with had decided to 'give him a gift'.

"Well I'm just about to see Edgeworth, we have some things to talk about... Would you mind watching over Pearl?"

"Absolutely not pal! I would love to look after the little ms. I know the perfect meal... Instant noodles!"

Phoenix really felt bad for Gumshoe's health. He didn't have time to think about that now however, it was getting late and he wanted to see Edgeworth before it was too late. Maybe they could figure something out.

He waved Gumshoe goodbye and just had to hope that Pearl and him would be fine. He did not want to deal with the mess that might arrive from a duo like them.

A simple story [Wrightworth/ Narumitsu]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें