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Asher's pov
After school me and Hayes went over to my cousins house to pick up her kids that we're babysitting. She wasn't there but her husband Carlos was and he lead us inside, it was baby toys and bottles all over the house and it was kinda a mess so I started to pick things up and just try to help in any way because I know he was going through it "Thank you so much Asher, Hayes do you mind getting the car seats from my car and putting them in Asher's?" Carlos asked and Hayes nodded

Hayes's pov
Awww look at Asher helping out his cousin in law, that's adorable. I put the car seats in the car and go back into the house to help pick stuff up while Carlos gathered all the baby stuff we'll need for the twins this week. It was a whole suitcase of things so I sighed and took it to the car "So where are the babies?" Asher asked Carlos then a car quickly pulled up in the driveway, a lady came out with a double strollers and I assumed that was Asher's cousin. She came in with the babies in the stroller and I smiled at them "Thank you so so so much Asher!" She said kissing his cheek while she laughed and I could see how big her belly was

Asher's pov
"That's my boyfriend Hayes, he's going to help out" I say to my cousin and Hayes waved at her, she came over and kissed his cheek for volunteering to help while he laughed and nodded "Just send me your cash app through Asher okay? Come on Carlos" she said to Hayes and he nodded then her and Carlos got ready to leave, she went to the car but Carlos came up to me "Here's the spare house key if you need anything and I know you're good with kids so I'm not worried. Thank you both so much" he said and headed out the house before I could say anything

Hayes pov
Now we're in this house alone "Aww hey Star and Sky, you girls are so pretty" Asher said to the babies as I pushed their stroller out of the house and to the car. They really are cute, I got one of them out the stroller and put her in the car seat and while Asher buckled her in I got the other one out but then I smelled something so I checked her diaper "Oh uh...Asher this isn't a girl" I say and he looks over "Huh?" He said looking into his diaper "Oh, well I just I'll change him then since you don't even know how to change Rockets diaper" Asher said and I nodded then handed him the baby while I looked at the one who was already in the car seat, she giggling and waving her hands and that made me smile

Asher's pov
I change the baby then put him in his car seat beside his sister "Can you tell which is which?" I asked Hayes and he nodded "The girl is Star and the boy is Sky" he said and I raised my eyebrow wondering how he knew and he points to their shirts, that's when I saw they had name tags on "Oh that was smart" I say making sure they were both safety buckled in before getting into the drivers seat. Hayes got in the passenger and we headed for home "So their mixed, that's pretty cool" Hayes said looking at them as I drove and I nodded "They're so adorable! I love babies and just look at those chubby cheeks!" I swoon and Hayes laughed

Hayes pov
I already basically live with Asher but I'm going to be here for the next week taking care of kids. I don't mind to be honest, Asher put the babies in their stroller and took them in the house while I get their bags out "OHHHHH LOOK AT THEM! THEIR SO PRECIOUS!" Asher's mom said picking up the twins and I laughed then Asher's dad helped take the baby bags to Asher's room. We came back down and Asher and his mom were swooning over the babies, Sky is quiet and practically asleep while Star is giggling and reaching for them "I'm going to go cook" Laura said and Adrian went to help her "I'm going to get their bath ready" Asher said so it was just me alone with the kids

Adrian's pov
I was standing by to provide assistance while Laura cooked up something soft for the twins to eat and I glanced in the living room to see what Hayes is doing. He was kinda just standing there not knowing what to do but then Star reached out for him, he picked her up and she giggled. It was so cute and I saw Hayes smiling "Aww your just silly huh?" He asked while rocking her and she reached for his hand, he let her hold it and she did that thing that kids do when they hold onto just one of your fingers and Hayes smiled then looked at me with a "Are you seeing this??" Face and I nodded, he was so proud

Asher's pov
"I got their bath ready and Carlos said a sink bath since they are still small but big enough for a actual bath" I said rushing downstairs and I saw Hayes holding Star and rocking her, it was so cute!!!! He doesn't even hold our son like that 😒. "By the time you're done giving them a bath I'll have the door ready" my mom said so I picked up Sky and waved Hayes to bring Star to the bathroom for a bath

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