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Hudson's pov
I was sitting in the living room watching tv then I heard a knock on the door, I answered it and it was Asher who isn't supposed to be here until Sunday because the roads are blocked off "What's up Ashler" I say and he replies "I told you that's not my name" as he daps me up "Hey Tara" I say as I kiss her but I notice hickeys on her neck, I knew she was cheating on me. "When's Hayes coming home" Ashler asked and I said "Around 5 more minutes, are you going to wait here for him?" And he responds "Mhm but don't tell him I'm here just signal him to the movie room" and I reply "You got it Ashley" "Don't call me that!" He said as he went down to the movie room

Hayes pov
I was walking home from school....alone....sad and listening to emo music and when I went in the house Hudson and Tara were having a Mini argument aka a disagreement that's going to become a argument.

Tara: What's up Haystack
Hayes: What's up Tar
Hudson: Can you be good little brother and get me some snacks from the movie room?
Hayes: Can you be a good big brother and give me 20$
Hudson: Fine
Tara: No I just gave him money yesterday
Hayes: Cool hickeys, where'd you get them?
Tara: You little s-
Hudson: How much did you give him?
Tara: 35
Hudson: Now he has 55, go get the snacks
Hayes: Fine

I walk down to the movie room smiling because I just made easy money, I'm not really paying attention because I'm ready to go to my room and call Asher but I noticed it's a movie playing "You guys were already down here, you should've got some before you came up" I yell to them but when I look over I see a person with hair that I recognize, I can't even lie I did tear up just a little when I realized who it was

Tara's pov
I thought Hayes was going to cry so I recorded his reaction so I can make fun of him about it later "Smiley?!" He yell when he realized it was Asher in the movie room, Asher turned around and smiled and Hayes ran over to him, it was so cute! They hugged for a longggggg time, it's not like they've been apart for a month it's only been 2 weeks anyway they hug for a while not saying anything to each other so I guess the embrace said enough "Are you recording?" Hudson whispered behind me "Mhm, aren't they so cute, I'm going to use this to make fun of Hayes later" I whisper back and he said "Mhm" turning to get something and I said "Aren't they cute hugging like a married couple" then Hudson turned back around "Oh that's n- stop recording" "huh?" "Stop recording" "Why?" "Look"  I look at the phone and I can see them making out through the camera, "Oh- time to go" I say and me and Hudson leave them to their privacy

Asher's pov
My baby! Words can't express how happy I am to hear his voice, see his face and hug him and smell his cologne. We hug for a long time and after like 3 minutes I could here Hayes sniffing and my heart melted "Awe are you crying?" I say and he doesn't respond he just sniffs again then kissed me, I saw Hudson and Tara out the corner of my eye as I was making out with him and they should leave now because I've been craving Hayes for 3 weeks and I don't plan on wasting any time, I won't go into detail (by request) but I'll say 3 hours 1 for every week and I can't walk. I hate when this happens because when I can't walk it takes around 3 days for me to be able to again

Hayes pov
What can I say, running track builds your stamina. When we finished I put him on my back and we went to the kitchen
Asher: My tongue piercing is sore
Hayes: Poor baby
Asher: It's your fault
Hayes: You should've knew that was going to happen when you got it
Asher: True, do you have any juice?
Hayes: Urm let me see....we have coconut and cherry
Asher: I'm allergic to coconut and I hate cherry, you know that

Me and Asher sit on the couch and watch tv while talking about random things and I'm trying to signal him to do the thing he did when he was complaining about being hungry "*yawns* My neck is so sore" I lean my head to the side to reveal my neck, Asher just looks at me with a * : | * face then he rolled his eyes at me and finished talking

Asher's pov
Me and Hayes are talking about all the different foods made out of potatoes but he keeps interrupting me complaining about his neck, I don't know what he did for his neck to hurt because I did all the work so he shouldn't be complaining, "Yeah and I think-" "God my neck is so sore" he interrupted me and I know what he's trying to say but I want him to just say it "Asher I know you already worked so hard for three hours straight and you can't walk because of me but can you put hickeys on my neck because they look cool?" Is all he has to say but he keeps hinting at it and I won't do it until he's straightforward about it

Hayes pov
What am I doing, I'm acting like a fool "Asher can you give me like 3 hickeys on my neck?" I ask disappointed in myself, I forgot who I was for a second. Asher smiles and says "Sure, only 3?" And I say "Put as many as you want" and he nods his head and gets on my lap but when his legs close he says "Damn it" as he struggles and I laugh, he gets it together then starts to kiss my neck, I grab his hips and his knees buckle "Hey!" He says then when his legs close he says "God damn it!", I laugh because I completely forgot about both of those then he gets it together, takes a deep breath and tucks his hair behind his ears, he tries again and my hands immediately go to his hips but I don't touch them because I don't want him to glitch again😭

Asher's pov
As I was kissing his neck I was blushing like hell because my legs keep closing and Hayes keeps grabbing my hips, I bite his neck softly in the same place I've been kissing him at and he let out a shaky breath that almost sounded like a whimper. I raise both eyebrows in shock because never in my 16 years of living have I ever heard a guy whimper, I thought it would stay a fantasy forever but thank god for Hayes (he has no idea how much that turned me on) when we finish I look and I didn't notice that I put that many hickeys and bite marks on him. I personally wouldn't want that many but he loved it so I guess it's okay

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