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I'm freaking the fuck out right now, I can't tell Avery because she already knows and I would talk to my parents but I don't want to hear their lecture about kissing so I call Kota

Asher: Kota come over right now!
Dakota: Wh- Cole I'll be back
*In the background*
Cole: Where you going?
Dakota: Ash needs me so I'm going over, Ash I'm on the way
Asher: Okay

He gets there in 10 minutes even though he lives 30 minutes away, Kota might not be my favorite person when he's all about Cole but he always drops everything for me when I need him. When he got here he didn't knock on the front door or my room door

Dakota: Tell me everything that happened
Asher: I'm in a class with Keith!
Dakota: The same Keith that broke your heart and embarrassed you in front of the whole school?!
Asher: Yes🥲 but that's not all
Dakota: Don't tell me it gets worse
Asher: I'm in class with Hayes to!
Dakota: No way, your new boyfriend and your ex?!
Asher: I don't know how to feel because me and Hayes just got to the... next level
Dakota: Next level? What next level?... did you-
Asher: No we just kissed
Dakota: Oh okay, how do you feel about everything?
Asher: I feel amazing about the kiss but I don't know how to feel about being in the same class with both of them, it's like I want more time with Hayes and I finally got that but now that Keith is back in the picture it's ruined because I know he's going to be watching us
Dakota: My opinion is don't worry about Keith, if he wants to watch let him because it's not gonna hurt anyone but him just focus on you and Hayes
Asher: See this is why I love you I can always count on you

We talk for a while then I remember how when we were on the phone I could hear rustling
Asher: Hey I have a question
Dakota: For the millionth time he likes you!
Asher: No not that, What were you doing before I called?
Dakota: I was with Cole in my room
Asher: Yea but doing what because I heard rustling and a lot of moving around
Dakota: We were... never mind I have to go but take my advice okay?
Asher: Okay thank you :)

The next day

I was so nervous to go to school this morning but I get myself together and go to school, when I'm at my locker I hear Hayes say "Good morning Smiley" and I turn around and smile at him because his voice takes all my stress away. I tell him hey and good morning back and as I'm hugging him I can feel eyes looking at me

Hayes: Asher
Asher: Mhm?
Hayes: Don't pull away but it's a dude watching us
*he tightens his grip*
Asher: What does he look like
*keep in mind we're still hugging*
Hayes: Brown hair and a death glare, sound familiar?
Asher: *Huff* that's my ex
Hayes: Oh the one we have class with?
Asher: Yep that's the one
Hayes: He's coming over
Asher: Jesus
Keith: Asher can I talk to you?
*I spin around so I'm facing Keith but I'm still hugging Hayes*
Asher: What do you want and be quick I'm busy
Keith: Can I talk to you in private
Hayes: No
Asher: No
Keith: Please?
Asher: *huff* fine

Hayes pulls away and goes to class so I can talk to Keith privately, I love how he respects what I want. Keith talks to me about having a new boyfriend so quick but I haven't dated anyone since we broke up last year and Hayes is the only other guy I've been talking to, Keith doesn't know anything so I roll my eyes and walk away, when I get to class to go sit at the back corner with Hayes and every now and then I see Keith glance up at us from the bottom row. Every day he moves closer and closer to us until Friday when he's on the same row as us.

Hayes pov
KeItH thinks we don't notice him moving closer to us but we do and Asher tells him to go away but we don't have assigned seats and he can technically sit wherever we wants, we tried to move away a couple times but he followed us like a creep. He knows me and Smiley aren't dating so I guess in his mind that's an invitation to try to get him back but I'll tell you right now that won't happen, on Friday I couldn't take it anymore so I decide to do something that could either keep him away for good or make him want to stay even more so I decided to take my chances and do it

Asher pov
I'm ready to get out of class so I don't have to see Keiths face for 2 days and so I can see the crew, Class is finally over but Keith doesn't leave till me and Hayes do so I roll my eyes and pack up my stuff because everybody else is already gone except Me, Hayes and Keith and out of nowhere Hayes calls my name and I turn around and say "hm?" And he leans in and kisses me, I kiss him back then pull away and say "What was that for?" And he says "Your so pretty" and I smile as he pulls me back and we kiss again, actually we're basically making out I look to my side and see Keith packing his things away and glancing at us so I hold my side eye with him as I kiss Hayes and I smile at because his jealousy is showing.

Everest pov
Me and the crew all go to Asher's classroom because him and Hayes are late for our meet up
Everest: Guyssss your lateeee
Neil: Oh...
Caleb: Oop-
Bryce: *gagged*

When I look in the classroom I see Hayes and Asher not even kissing, full on making out and I also see Keith across from them and he's looking dead at them and I practically die.

Neil: Keith get out
Keith: You don't have to tell me twice
*he leaves*
Asher: Uh ohhhh
Hayes: Oh hey guys what's up?
Neil: What's up is the make out session we walked in on
Hayes: Oh what about it?
Caleb: Do you guys have no shame making out in front of people?!
Hayes: Do we have no shame?
Asher: Well we do but you guys walked in so it's kinda your fault
All: True
Everest: What's the story
Asher: The story about us making out? Well it just kinda happened
Everest: No the story on why I wasn't invited
Neil: To join or to watch
Everest: Mostly to watch but if they asked me to join well...
Caleb: Your so weird
Everest: I like what I like 🤷‍♀️
They all laugh and walk out the classroom, they hang out till about 6:00 and they all go there separate ways

(Back to Asher's pov)

I don't know if I should be questioning Hayes's motives behind kissing me but I'm not because it was so hot, I wish I could time travel and relive it over and over, I could kiss him 1000 times a day and not get tired of it. I'm in my room laying on the floor with my legs on the wall and the same thought pops up in my mind every time I think of him
I want him to be my boyfriend

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