Be my glue

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Caleb's pov
"Damn it" I thought to myself when I was in the hallway and saw Avery talking to a guy, I realized I freaking fumbled so hard. I broke up with the prettiest girl ever because I thought it would turn abusive but now I wouldn't mind being abused by her cause LOOK AT HER she's perfect for me and I missed my chance

Dakota's pov
Cole has been calling me and I haven't been answering, he texted me and said "please take me back, I know I messed up but I love you! Let's try again" and everything in me swooned and wanted to cave but the voice in my head is telling me to not take him back because if I do the cycle will never break and I'll never move on. That voice is smart and I'm trying my hardest to listen to it, I hit the block button and that's the hardest thing I've ever had to do

Hayes's pov
Listen I'm not saying my husband may be a psychopath but he has said some things that made me question him, I'll love him regardless of how crazy he might be but I want to know what he thinks about. I've been called possessive and controlling by a few ex's and I didn't think that was to bad but when Asher told me he's been called psychotic and obsessive I wondered two things, 1: What the hell did he do to be called that and 2: Why aren't we married yet

Asher's pov
I told Hayes he might need to cover up the marks on his neck because he might get in trouble but he refused and wore them proudly around school. When I look at him I think the following things
1: I love him
2: He's beautiful
3: Why can't we run away together and get married
4: Would he be a good dad
5: If I get a ferret will he help me take care of it

Ryan's pov
Everest is so cool, I've never met anyone who listens to my movie recommendations, like mint ice cream, practices with me, texts me first and matches my energy and on top of all of that! She's pretty and that's the icing on the cake.
Everest: Okay let me teach you golf
Ryan: Okay teach me golf
Everest: So grab your golf club
Ryan: Check
Everest: I believe in you, just swing....and....hit!
Ryan: Ouuu! We ate that!
Everest: I'm so proud of you!

Neil's pov
I miss London, I don't like her or anything so don't think that but I do wish she lived closer so I can see her to her and....ARGUE WITH HER!.....god she's so pretty. Anyway I've been bored to death because everyone has a love life except for me but I did find a friend in Dakota and Mason, they became friends and for some reason every time they hand out I get invited. I say yes so I can be included in something even though my crew includes me to they just kinda all do their own things

Bryce pov
I've started back taking my pills and going to therapy but I don't even remember why, I know my friends told me I need to do this but I really don't remember what I did wrong so I think I'm going to stop. I know Finley broke up with me because he was moving and I know I cried for days but honestlyyyyy I knew I should be crying so I did but I stopped when I realized "Hey why am I crying" I was confused and told my therapist and he said I might be having short term memory loss. I don't know if some things happened that I should want to remember but if I'm crying about it then I don't want to remember

Mason's pov
Dakota is pretty and all but he looks to feminine for me, I asked him if he tries to look like a girl and he got mad and said "No! This is my natural face! I'm not dressed like a girl, I'm not wearing makeup! I'm not doing anything feminine so why would you ask me that" and I reply "Well you have long eyelashes, big green eyes, long hair and you just look like a girl" "Well help me not look like a girl, everyone asks me if I'm a boy or girl and I'm tired of it" so we call Neil and we try to help Kota look less girly

London's pov
I got kicked out of my house and I have literally no where to go so I picked the person who's parents are the nicest, ASHER!, I call him and ask to talk to his parents "I was wondering if I can live with you for like two months because I got kicked out and I have nowhere to go so I'm kinda homeless right now" and they immediately said yes and came to pick me so now I'm in the car with Asher and his parents going to his house to live with him for 2 months

Asher's pov
Okay London came to live with me yesterday and I'm a little on edge about it still, she was a little weird when we first met but I've seen her act normal so I know she can do it, she starts school with us tomorrow so hopefully she'll be alright. I promised my parents I won't be mean and treat her like a sister so I'm going to try my best to be nice and get along with her. She really just looked around the house yesterday and she sleep in my room because Avery completely shut down the idea of them interacting. "Okay let's go over this, all your stuff is in my room in the empty dresser drawer okay?" "Alright, can I sleep at the head of the bed?" "Sure but only until we get your air mattress"

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