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Dakota's pov
Okay being high was fun at first but now my head is spinning and I'm tripping. Me and Asher laid on the floor trying to get our heads together but everything looked so funny bro "What would the color six taste like?" Asher asked and I said "Six is a letter dumbass" and we started laughing again. "Ash!" Someone called out and everyone said "Ouuu" as they came downstairs, I didn't look to see who it was but then strong hands pulled us up. "Dakota" he called out and I saw them "Asher that's your dad" I said and he looked closer then laughed "Not uh!" He said and we started laughing again "Go upstairs, both of you" they said so we went to Asher's room

Avery's pov
I want to go to Hayes's house to smoke with Tara and Hudson now because Asher and Dakota high asf, they was smoking that good weed I already know by the way their clothes smell. They went upstairs and Everest said "Bryce wanted us all to come together because he has something to tell us" we all looked at Bryce and he scratched his head "Me and Finley....are back together" he said and everyone was quiet until "Fuck no, your not dating him again" Neil said and we all looked at him "Whats the matter?" I asked him and he said "You think I'm about to let you date my little brother after you put your hands on him?Are you dumb?!" He was clearly mad but Bryce rolled his eyes "That's not your brother so mind your business" he said and Neil stood up "Bitch I said your not dating him again" he said and Bryce stood up to "What?! What you tryna get into?" He said and they were about to fight until Milo and Ryan broke them up

Caleb: Bro we family, y'all don't need to be fighting each other
Everest: Exactly, what's wrong with y'all
Neil: He not dating my brother, period. I'm not about to let him
Bryce: Okay nobody gives a fuck what you want
Neil: What? Stand up
Bryce: Come on
Avery: For real guys you shouldn't be fighting
Neil: What do I look like letting Finley get back with somebody who hit him?! You gave him a fucking black eye and you think ima let that slide? You crazy
Bryce: Dude he asked for me back! Tf you talking about
Hayes: Huh?
Bryce: He literally called me and said he wanted to get back together
Asher: HAYES!
Hayes: When that happened?
Bryce: The other day
Neil: You lying bitch
Bryce: Watch your mouth and I'm not lying, he called me
Hayes: HOLD ON!
Caleb: Be for real, he called you even after you hit him and came late to tell him goodbye
Bryce: Yes! I don't know why but he want me
Avery: What sense do that make
Asher: MILO!
Milo: Yeah?
Asher: My head hurts!
Milo: Want me to bring you a pain pill?
Asher: Please? And Dakota is dead!
Milo: Damn okay I'm coming

Milo's pov
Their family drama occurred before I got here so it had nothing to do with me, before I went upstairs to take care of Ash and Dakota I looked at Hayes and he made a face at me, not a mean face it was more like a "Mh" face. I shrugged and brought Asher a pain pill while Dakota was sleeping "He's not dead Asher he's just asleep" I said and he checked Dakota's pulse "Oh" he said when he realized Dakota was alive "You shouldn't smoke Ash, it's not good for your lungs" I said and he answered "I didn't really want to, Dakota did it first and I wanted to be cool" that was such a childish answer 😭, "Maybe think twice before getting high again" I said and he nodded "Want to go downstairs to let Dakota sleep?" I asked and he said "Mhm, I feel better now so im good"

Asher's pov
"Hey guys I'm back and I'm not high anymore I think!" I said and sat anywhere which was between Milo and Avery "So what we talking about?" I said laying in Avery's lap while she messed with my hair "Bryce and Finley are getting back together" Caleb said and I looked over "That's great" I said and Neil looked angry "No tf it's not, I already said I'm not letting him date my little brother after he put his hands on him, he didn't come to school for days because of the black eye Bryce gave him" he said and I do remember that happening "Yeah but Bryce is better now, he takes his meds" I said and we all look at Bryce "You take your meds Bryce?" Everest asked and Bryce looked down "...not anymore...". I didn't know that but decided to just stay quiet and watch how this plays out "If you didn't know, Finley is Bryce's ex that he abused" I said leaning over to Milo "That's why what's his name is mad?" He asked also leaning over and I nodded

Hayes pov
I watch as Caleb, Neil and Bryce talk about Bryce taking his meds but when I look over I see Asher and Milo whispering to each other. Come to think of it Milo did go to take care of Asher and they came back together and they sat together and now their whispering together, when I told Asher "Hold on" that meant wait not call somebody else "Ash come sit with me love" I said and he didn't even hear me and kept talking to Milo. I sighed and turned my attention back to the conversation at hand "So what did Finley say?" I ask and everyone looks at me "Let's call him" "Yeah we need his opinion" they all agreed and a while later Finley was knocking on the door. Everyone answers and says hi then continues standing while Asher goes back to sit down but I grab his arm and pull him in front of me "Hm?" He says as I stand behind him with my arms wrapped around him. I had my chin resting on his head "Nothing, just stand with me for a little" I said knowing I just didn't want him to sit with Milo

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