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Dakota: Oh okay and how's...Everest doing?
Asher: She's good but guess what
Dakota: What is it?
Asher: I met someone 🤭
Dakota: A friend someone or a someone someone?

I paused at the question because I didn't know the answer, I like Hayes as a friend but I think I like him as more than a friend to. I'm so used to having to play detective and make guesses on what people are trying to say to me because there's always a communication issue but not with Hayes, he told me "I missed you" and didn't hint at it or say it without saying it he just said it and I'm glad he did.

Asher: As a someone someone
Dakota: Asher no offense but you know your recent relationships haven't ended well
Asher: No offense taken and I know they didn't end well but he's different and I'm not rushing into anything with him
Dakota: I'm going to ask you some questions if you don't mind
Asher: Okay
Dakota: Okay what's his name
Asher: Hayes
Dakota: How old is he
Asher: Same age as us
Dakota: How did you meet
Asher: Ski trip
Dakota: Do your other friends approve
Asher: They all basically do
Dakota: How often do you talk?
Asher: I talked to him 1 single time since we met
Dakota: Asher I don't thi-

Now here's where I start to get irritated because Kota is always off and on with this guy named Nicolas (Cole for short) and he wants me to approve of them again because I stopped after they broke up in the worse way the first time and I don't really want to hear it because I know he's about to start talking about him

Dakota: Me and Cole are going skating Saturday after I leave do you want to come
Asher: No because for one I don't like Cole and you know that and two I'm not about to be a third wheel
Dakota: Come on Ash you still don't like him?
Asher: No I don't
Dakota: Asher it happened months ago and I'm over so you should be to, you can invite Hayes like a double date!
Asher: No
Dakota: Why?
Asher: Because me and Hayes aren't that close and I don't want to go anywhere with Cole end of story, are you guys back together or something?
Dakota: No...
Asher: Okay (he can tell he's lying)

On Monday I decided to look for Hayes at the end of the day because I didn't get to see him Friday and I need to return his book, my search shouldn't be hard because I know what floor he's on and when I get there I see him putting something in his locker so I go over

Asher: Hayes :)
Hayes: Asher :) why didn't you come Friday I waited for you?
Asher: Awe you did? 😊
Hayes: Of course I did
Asher: I'm sorry I just got caught up with people asking me to do stuff for them
Hayes: I'll let it slide but only because your here now :)
I blush
Asher: What's your locker number?
Hayes: 789 what's yours?
Asher: 245
Hayes: Then it's settled, at the end of class I'll send you notes and put them in your locker
Asher: And I'll do the same :)
So romantic

Hayes takes a marker out of his locker and writes his locker number on my hand then does the same to his and puts a heart beside it and I blush like crazy.

Caleb: Asher!
Asher: Caleb hi...
Caleb: Oh am I interrupting something?
Hayes: No your fine 😅
Caleb: Oh okay, hey Asher is this the dude you said you like?
Asher: *whispering* shut up
Caleb: Oh anyway Neil is looking for you
Asher: Why?
Caleb: I dunno something about Everest
Hayes: Go ahead, if you need me you know where to find me
Asher: Okay see you later
Hayes: Bye

As me and Caleb are walking back to the third floor I'm kinda sad because I wanted to keep talking to Hayes but I'm happy because he put a heart beside my locker number

Caleb: What are you so smiley about?
Asher: He put a heart beside it 😊
Caleb: What's on your hand?
Asher: Oh nothing

When I finished talking to Everest and the others I went to my locker and made sure to put 2 hearts by his locker numbers on my hand then I remembered I'll have to wash it off so I wrote it on the whiteboard on my locker door. I thought about what note I was going to send him all night and when I opened my locker on Tuesday a folded ripped piece of paper fell out and I read it

When you didn't come on Friday I thought you didn't want to but after you told me what happened I kinda feel dumb for overthinking it anyway I'm glad you found me yesterday:) -Hayes

I read it over and over to make sure it's real and I was as red as a tomato after reading it 5 times and I didn't notice Everest and Bryce reading it over my shoulder

Everest: Pretty handwriting
Bryce: And a lot of erasing, he must have thought about it a lot
Asher: You guys scared me, what should I write back?
Bryce: Well he said he's glad you found him so say something along the lines of that
Everest: Ou say, We should hang out sometime outside of school as long as my friend Everest can come to
Bryce: No no no don't say that say something about how or why you found him

I decided not to take their advice and to ask him a question that's been lingering in my mind since Friday with Kota

On Friday one of my friends asked me if you were a friend someone or a someone someone and I didn't answer immediately but I when I did I wondered if someone asked you that about me what would you say

I slipped it in his locker after making sure he wasn't there to see me and after 3rd period I opened my locker and a note fell out

I know we haven't really talked much since we met but I would say your a someone someone, I mean I looked for you and you looked for me to right? Anyway do you prefer tenders or nuggets? -Hayes

Me and Hayes send each other notes back and forth all the day asking random questions to each other and it's a sense of equality between us and I like how straightforward he is, we send each other notes throughout the week and on Friday we passed notes until the end of the day when it was his turn to respond, I waited for a note to show up but it didn't and instead I see Hayes walking up to me

Hayes: Hi Asher :)
Asher: Hayes :), I didn't get a note from you
Hayes: That's because I wanted to talk to you
Asher: Okay about what?
Hayes: I was wondering if you wanted to come over today, I need help with something
Asher: Sure
Hayes: Should we walk together?
Asher: Urm
I usually walk with Everest but she's listening to our conversation and when I look at her she gives me a thumbs up
Asher: Okay :)

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