Eyes dont lie

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Asher's pov
I'm glad what's his name is gone because ever since he got here Hayes has been acting out "Hayes you should stop wearing pjs to school" I said looking at his outfit "Says the one with a hello kitty bag" he said and I laughed "Hey my hello kitty bag is awesome" when we got to school Hayes had a track team meeting so I went to class alone, Rocket was with me and we payed attention in class today. At second period I went to the vending machine before class and saw Everest "Hey Everest!" I said and she replies "Hey bestie westie!!!!" As we did our handshake, me and her are matching hello kitty bags and we talked for like 35 minutes then realized we needed to get to class

Hayes pov
Me and Jace went to the track meeting together and the coach said we have a race at another school tomorrow, me and Jace aren't even from here so we've never been to another school and I'm kinda nervous about it. Me and Jace are on different floors but we talked and walked around until Jace spotted Asher
"¿No es ese tu novio? ( Isn't that your boyfriend?)" he said and I looked around "Where?" I asked and he pointed, there was Asher at the water fountain with Carmen, she pointed to Jace but Asher's eyes went directly to me and he smiled from ear to ear while waving, I blushed and waved back

Jace's pov
Fuck going to class I want to know what there talking about "Did she point to me or you?" I asked Hayes "You" he answered "But Asher looked at you" Dios mío quiero saber de qué están hablando (My God, I want to know what they're talking about) "There coming over" "What?!" "Turn around!"

Jace: Hi
Carmen: Hey
Jace: Hi
Carmen: You already said that *laughs*
Jace: I didn't even notice (Hayes help me)
Hayes: What's up bae
Asher: Hey : ), how did your meeting go?
Hayes: We have a race at a different school tomorrow
Carmen: You too Jace?
Jace: Mhm *nods quickly*
Carmen: Can I come to watch? : )
Hayes: Awe that's sweet : )
Carmen: Please Jace and I'll bring Asher, right Asher?
Asher: No.....actually okay
Carmen: See! So can we go?
Hayes: Someone's eager
Carmen: Who me? Pff, n-no way
Asher: Come on Jace say something, don't make her beg
Jace: Sure you can come, I'd like that : )
Carmen: Okay : ) *her and Asher fist bump*

Carmen's pov
I don't really know Asher like that but we have mutual friends so we've interacted, when I saw him in the hallway between classes we talked and he told me Hayes was on the track team so he was waiting for him, I asked if Jace was on the team to and he said yes. I've been having a crush on Jace but I never asked him out so me and Asher came up with a plan, we didn't know about the race so we got lucky on that part. Fast forward to the next day, me and Asher are in the bleachers with our blankets and snacks because it's getting dark, it's cold and we're hungry. The race started at 7 but our school didn't even go until 8, it's a shit ton of people out here and some of Asher's friends are on the way

Ryan: Did it start yet?
Carmen: Yeah their over there
Everest: Hey Carmen! : )
Carmen: Hey Ev! : )
Asher: I guess we have all the same friends huh?
Carmen: Looks like it : )
Asher: Did you see Neil and Bryce?
Ryan: No
Everest: Their right there
Asher: UP HERE! *they all wave them over*
Neil: I saw Mason over there
Asher: Cool
Everest: Wait, wait.....i-is that Finley?
Asher: Where?!
Everest: Over there! I think that's him!
Neil: I see him! FINLEY!
Finley: H-huh? NEIL!!!
*They run and hug each other tightly even though they didn't seem that close they thought of each other as brothers*
Neil: W-what are you doing here?! I missed you bro!
Finley: I missed you too! My friend is racing and he asked me to come, EVEREST! ASHER!
*he hugs both of them*
Finley: I missed you guys so much!
Asher: Aw we missed you too!
Everest: Ou someone has been changing, I like the new look!
Finley: Thanks : ), hey Bryce
Bryce: Yo
Ryan & Carmen: Guys the race is starting

Ryan's pov
It was a relay race so Hayes and Jace were partners, it was dark and we couldnt see much but as soon as we saw them start running our whole set of bleachers was screaming at the top of our lungs. It wasn't just us either, everyone in the bleachers was cheering our school on, out of the 3 sets of bleachers we were the loudest. It seemed like they were running forever but we cheered and cheered when they finished nobody knew who won

Ryan: Who won?
Carmen: Does anyone know who won?
Bryce: Play cameras back!
Finley: I'm nervous
Asher: Damn can someone say it?!
Ref: The winner is
*everyone held hands waiting to hear the next sentence*
Ref: Complex high!
Everest: YIPPE!!
Carmen: They mad as fuck look at them!
Carmen & Finley: AHHH YOUR MAD!

Hayes pov
After we got our metals me and Jace fist bump "Hell yeah!" "Good job twin!" We went to find our group and found them behind the bleachers "You guys did so good!" They all said and Carmen hugged Jace "I'm proud of you!" She said and he smiled "T-thanks" just then I saw Finley "FINLEY?!" I said and we hugged "I MISSED YOU!" I said and he smiled "I missed you too!" "I like the new look, it suits you : )" "Thanks" I missed Finley so much, he was like the little brother I never wanted. We all talk for a bit while Asher stands in front of me and I have my hands on his chest "Oh there he is, there's my friend that im here for" Finley said as he walked over and hugged Mason

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